

I'm starting SW on Tuesday (I've had an afternoon tea with my fiance booked for Monday for months now, which I'm not missing!!). I've never done SW before. I've bought a starter pack from a friend who got it on Ebay. I think it's last year's but it doesn't really matter, if it worked when it was published it will still work now!
I'm 48, live in Yorkshire (UK), I've got 2 adult children and a toddler grandson, and I'm engaged to a 24 year old man. We haven't set a wedding date yet, but we're planning!!
Ideally I'd like to lose 2 stone. Losing weight has become progressively more difficult since I passed 40, and gaining it much, much easier!! Also, it settles in different places now - my bottom hasn't got much bigger, but my middle and arms definitely have! I don't want to be skinny!! I'd just like to be able to get back into my awesome jeans (and all the other clothes I've got that I can't wear now)!!
Fio x