Help ???


New Member
I need help, I am thinking of starting this diet - I have a meeting tonight about it but just wanted a few views. I am 25 years old and have always been slim, not ever had a weight issue. As I am now settled and older I have put on a bit of weight. Not sure how much I weigh as I don't tend to weigh myself but I have gone from a size 10 to a size 14. I am not massive massive but I really hate feeling the way I do it really depresses me. My confident has gone completely and my boyfriend and I are starting to have problems because of my moods. I really need help. So, 8th May nearly 4 weeks time I have an engagement party to attend and i really don't want to feel like this. The more down I get the more I eat. So I was thinking of starting this LL today for 4 weeks to lose as much as quick as possible... is it a good diet??? Does it work? How much can you lose in 4 weeks?

Please help me!!!!

Well If I could speak to myself at your age I would deffinately talk myself into it instead of waisting years of yo yo dieting and life, it can be difficult the first week for some but the results are so fast. The cbt in class helps you be aware of your eating and why, for me the management will be my biggest challenge but the support is there as well as on here and the LL forum, just take a flick through and you will see it is worth it and as for people saying once you stop you'll put it back on that is the same with every diet IF you go back to your old ways all the best and I hope to see you on here soon
If your bmi is 30 or above then you will go on the total diet (4 food packs and nothing else to eat). That averages at a stone lost per month. However, if it is below 30 (which yours may well be) then you would go on the lite diet (3 food packs and a meal). On lite you lose around 2lb a week. From your description I think LL will be very useful for you. It not only is a diet for losing weight but you also get some group counselling which will look at self esteem and why you eat the way you do. It really can address some of e fundamental issues which caused you to put weight on in the first place.

However, it isn't a quick fix. Doing it for a month and then walking away isn't what the diet is about. The aim would be to do it until you reached your goal weight and then slowly reduce the number of food packs and increase the types of food you are eating.
Chub01 said:
I need help, I am thinking of starting this diet - I have a meeting tonight about it but just wanted a few views. I am 25 years old and have always been slim, not ever had a weight issue. As I am now settled and older I have put on a bit of weight. Not sure how much I weigh as I don't tend to weigh myself but I have gone from a size 10 to a size 14. I am not massive massive but I really hate feeling the way I do it really depresses me. My confident has gone completely and my boyfriend and I are starting to have problems because of my moods. I really need help. So, 8th May nearly 4 weeks time I have an engagement party to attend and i really don't want to feel like this. The more down I get the more I eat. So I was thinking of starting this LL today for 4 weeks to lose as much as quick as possible... is it a good diet??? Does it work? How much can you lose in 4 weeks?

Please help me!!!!


Hi chub01,

Just wanted to say I am a 25 year old woman and I have just started a food replacement diet today, although unlike yourself I have always been big size 18 plus I understand where u are coming from. It doesn't matter your size or weight as soon as you become unhappy with yourself it can be a very very dark place. Confidence is a massive thing and no matter your size you should be confident and happy with yourself. I am doing this because I have lost my confidence too and feel like I have lost who I am. I'll be really honest with today has been torture not been able to eat just having my food packs but I mentally prepared myself and had my last supper and mentally I am so ready for this!!!!!!! Have a think are you mentally ready and go for it and gain your confidence back.... Good luck!!!!!
Hello, ellie may here,
i started lighter Life last october 2011, not easy at first, but as others have said cbt helps enormously, knowing those in the group are all feeling the same helps and it makes it easier to talk things through, I have lost nearly 5st now and feeling great, i have to look twice if i see myself in th mirror, the difference is so great, hair loss was my concern but it has improved and growing well so give it a try it works if you want it to? good luck, remember it does not work overnight but its the best i have tried, believe me in desperation i have tried them all, I have a picture of me in my diary i carry around with me weighing 16.5st not a pretty sight, I wrote in my diary who is that? just celebrated my 25th anniversary folk were stunned when they saw me so give it a go. best wishes ellie may