Hi all from another PCOS sufferer


Full Member
Hi all, as the title says I suffer from PCOS and for those who don't know it stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome. In short my hormones are out of whack. Coupled with this and bad food choices I am about 17 stone currently. I have been as low as 15 stone and as high as 18 stone. Which might not seem very much but I have been battling with my weight all through my teenage years and I have noticed the pain in my joints getting worse now and at 21 nearly 22 this is never a good thing. I have tried exercise and slimming world where I lost two stone. I didn't get on with rosemary Conley or my local weight management clinic who basically messed me about and have now after nearly year have said all I can do is reapply again. So in a nutshell that is me. I am now at the stage where I am considering xenical or whether to bite the bullet and go ahead with weightless surgery. If anyone has any advice I will be grateful thanks all,

Good luck with your weight loss journey . :)