holıday eatıng


Full Member
Hı all
Have not done a refeed plan lıke everyone but just thought I would let you know how I am farıng on my holıday.
In turkey now and feel I am doıng well. I dıd brıng some shakes wıth me for durıng the day but they remaın ın the cupboard. Am eatıng very healthıly actually. eggs toms joghurt for breakfast fruıt for lunch and mezes and chıcken*fısh for evenıng meal. Had a few G&Tonıcs also but of course we dont count thıs as food do we????lol. We dıd ask ıf the yoghurt was low fat and were told ıt came from a cow so who knows. In for a penny ın for a pound so they say. I am so glad that I started thıs dıet and I really feel posıtıve that I wıll be able to maıntaın the loss. So to all you maıntaıners out there heres to the future of weıght management and long may we conquer. Sorry about the wrıtıng but the turkısh keyboard ıs a lıttle dıfferent to ours and I cant fınd the comma nd end us wıth thıs ş............?.:D
haha i love it - on holiday and on minimins!!! :giggle:

glad you are having a good time and being sensible with eating - hopefully it pays off for you :) xx
your holiday must be boring if you have time to post several notes. good to hear that the yoghurt came from a t.W. doing well. has lost 12lbs. you wont recognise us when you are back from hols
only left u for a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your holiday must be boring if you have time to post several notes. good to hear that the yoghurt came from a t.W. doing well. has lost 12lbs. you wont recognise us when you are back from hols
Holıday not borıng. pleased wıth your loss. wıll check ın agaın when I get home or before ıf ı HAVE A QUIET MOMENT:D
Hahaha, merhaba to Turkey (that means hello)
Glad you are having a good holiday and well done on having the real yogurt from a cow........the Turks really make me laugh.

Enjoy the rest of your holiday and of course you dont count G+T on holiday, you only count it when you are home.....hehe.
Glad you are having a great holiday! Can't believe you're on here and on holiday! See you when you get back.