Hotel chocolat

If it's the 70% Dark with Chilli Puddles 'My Fitness Pal' recons x 12 buttons will be 10 syns.

Calories in Hotel Chocolate Puddles 70% Dark With Chilli - Calories and Nutrition Facts

Hotel Chocolat have generic calories on their website, so not as helpful as above but the x 12 puddles must come under the 35g of dark chocolate:

Here are some typical guidelines:

A single truffle: 61 calories
A single praline: 58 calories
A single liquid caramel: 60 (based on a 12g chocolate) calories
A 35g serving of dark chocolate: 191 calories
A 35g serving of milk chocolate: 200 calories
A 35g serving of white chocolate: 200 calories
A mug of Liquid Chocolat drinking chocolate made with
skimmed milk: 242 calorie