How many PP should i be on?

I think this might be good for you. ;) I feel like I'm learning proper portion control which is great. I did discovery last year and lost 2st but I prefer propoints (free fruit and veg is great and love the weekly points!!) X

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Points calculation please?


I did weight watchers with my whole family when I was sixteen but being poor and unemployed now I can't afford it. But I do want to lose weight and I know that weight watchers worked very well for me last time. Would someone be kind enough to calculate how many pro points I would be allocated?

Thank you!

13st 8lbs
Would someone mind pointing my boyfriend please?

He is 17.6st
5ft 10
Age 24
And a boy...obvs!

Thank you!
Ahoyhoy said:

I did weight watchers with my whole family when I was sixteen but being poor and unemployed now I can't afford it. But I do want to lose weight and I know that weight watchers worked very well for me last time. Would someone be kind enough to calculate how many pro points I would be allocated?

Thank you!

13st 8lbs

32 daily and 49 weekly hon x

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Sawyer said:
Would someone mind pointing my boyfriend please?

He is 17.6st
5ft 10
Age 24
And a boy...obvs!

Thank you!

53 daily and 49 weekly (lucky him ;) ) x

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Hi Lydia
I was also 14st8 when I started weightwatchers and have found it quite easy (although lost willpower earlier in the year).
Good luck and hope you enjoy it

Thanks very much x
How to work out pro points

Hi can anyone work out my pro points allowance for me as I want to start but can't get to a meeting I have the new file thing but no way of working it out.

I'm 5'10
Weigh 18st
28 yrs old

Thanks in advance xx
41pp daily & 49 weekly hon, good luck :) x

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Well you can use it to count your steps/time walking but the points it calculates might not be right. You can calculate activity points like this if you like:
Light activity is your current weight X # mins X .000232

Moderate activity is your current weight X # mins X .000327

Heavy activity is your current weight X # mins X .0008077

So say you walked for 30 mins...
252 X 30 X .000232 = 1.75 (round up to 2pp)

Light activity is if you aren't sweating, moderate is if you start to sweat after 10 mins and heavy is if you are sweating straight away.
Hope that helps x

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If you have a smartphone there are apps for this sort of thing??

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Yep... Love the apps myself. I haven't bought anything from WW. Using a free app heehee x

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Pro points

Hi all! I am completely new to pro-points. I done the old ww a couple years back and lost a good bit of weight. Really want to get back to it!

Can anyone tell me how many points I should be on? Not weighed myself in a while but reckon I'm 15stone. I'm 24yrs and 5ft 4


I work it out to 33 points x
lydia150970 said:
I work it out to 33 points x

Thanks. How did you work it out? I can't find anything to work out the points x
I've got the pro points calculator and I put in yours stats to that and it came back with 33 points.
HI there,

was wondering on how many points I would be on?

I am 5.5 ft
13.5 stone
28 years old

Thanks girls!
