How much had you lost when people started to notice?


Full Member
Just a question, how much weight did everyone lose before people started to notice and compliment on?
also how much did you have to lose before you could look in the mirror and see for yourself that you had lost weight?
And last question lol how much did people weigh when you could fit into size 14 clothes?

thankyou very very much :) :)

I was a size 14 when I started my journey so about 13st 7? Shirts and designer clothes could be a different story - too big a bust! Admittedly though I'm 5ft 6.5 so it would be different from you at 5ft 3. It also depends on how you carry the weight as an individual - no size 14 looks the same, and I imagine there's a wide variation in weight even between those of similar heights. :)

I think it took 1.5-2st before people started to notice, whereas I saw the difference at about 1st - depends where it's coming off! I noticed it off my butt :( The smaller I get, the less weight loss before people notice the difference - for instance at the moment people say I look slimmer than I did even a fortnight ago haha! I guess it also depends how much glycogen/water weight is lost initially - some people lose almost a stone in pure water weight which may be very evident in a lack of bloating, but then again may not! It really is so individual sweetie!

I recommend taking measurements every so often - they're a great way of providing more noticeable changes to your body, and they can also reassure you if the weight on the scales stall! Remember you'd prefer to be slim and heavy, than fat but light on the scales :) You're doing great - just keep up the good work and you'll reach your goals in no time
Thankyou very very much :) xx