I am unsure whether to try this!


Full Member
Have been doing weight watchers for over 7 weeks and have lost 16lbs!

However I have been reading about simply filling and wondering how it works!

Do people do it once a week, or every day?
Do you point the food you have on simply filling ? If so is it more or less than you'd have on propoints?

What success have you had, if you followed propoints before hand?
Well done on ur loss so far, that's really good!

I have been doing sf for 7 wks now Wi tomorrow! And have lost 15lb, I have Been doing 5 days sf and 2 days pp, I don't point any of the free foods but anything like butter ect comes out my weeklies, (have a look on the diaries on here cause it really does help give meal ideas). I find u get more food on sf than pp just be careful that u stop when satisfied! I do find my sf days alot easier than my pp days
Thanks Sarah!
Do you count propoints in sf days
I tried to work tomorrow out as sf so that I can do this weekend (perfect as I'm home alone) without many plans!

And out of curiosity i worked it out, it was under my propoints I would usually have! But included a lot more food!
Is this okay?

Gutted I can't have bran flakes tho lol!
But looking forward to trying sf for 2 days.

I normally use my weeklies as I earn about 70-80 activity points per week! I don't lose unless I eat weeklies!
I wouldn't bother counting ur pp on sf days I did to start and found some days r less than my 26pp and some days were more, if ur doing a sf day just forget about ur pp!

I eat all my weeklies every wk, been off exercise at the mo but when I did exercise I didn't count my activity pp, to be honest they just confused me! But as u earn so many u could prob use some if u wanted to!

OSS is a nice breakfast to have I usually struggle now to get through 1 sachet!
I have oats rather than OSS but guess its same thing!

Is baked beans SF? I only ask as they are not on list but they are green on ww app!

Anyway my menu is sorted for today! So wish me look! I am doing SF sat and sun and WI mon!

I think it will be good as I do lots of exercise at weekend and am usually starving, so I have a bit more
Freedom! I decided to point it incase it's way over, but we'll see

Yeah beans r free, I used Heinz not just ww ones!
Good luck on ur 2 sf days, I bet u will find it much easier!