Step 1 Sole Source I flooped - oops! D:


Full Member
Helloo xD I'm on day 3 of SS, and got a bit run down and lost my diet footing xD So I had a slight cheat xD What kind of effect would this have on my diet? I didn't SUPER pig out, just kind of medium pig out xD 10" chicken and sweetcorn pizza thin and crispy from takeaway. I would hazard a guess that it knocked me out of ketosis, :D but the only other food I had today was a shake and a soup so in total it'd be about 1000-1200 cals... would that have a major effect? I'm planning to get back onto plan tomorrow morning. :D

Thanks guys :D
Draw a line under it and start again. Can't see that it would have made to drastic a difference, may have knocked you out of ketosis but shouldn't be to bad :)
Thankyou Rachel *hugs* :D I've been perfect so far today, my evening soup in an hour or so :D Hopefully it won't be too bad, I have another 3 days to be good before my weigh in, hehehe. I'm super proud of myself for getting back up, though! :D I was really at the point of quitting, but I woke up today and thought... nope. :D Heheh :D Thankyou so much for your support :D
Aww your welcome :). Have a good day x