I need help !!!!!


I ♥ SW!
I hv tried ww, sw .... U name it iv tried it!!
Nothing is working. I am a type 2 diabetic, no cyst or Fallopian tube on left side and No gallbladder. I am looking for help!!! Totally at a loss and constantly feel ill !!! Not sure what to do!!! Where to start!!!
Hey Debs, Hows u? What do u need help with hun? Im the same tried it all, u name it i have tried it this group is great and everyones in the same boat. Its good to encourage each other. Xxx
Hi Debz and welcome. You have made the first move and started a thread on minis. Im assuming you have had diet sheets from the diabetic nurse etc? My sister and a friend at work have had their gallbladders removed too, and sometimes find that it doesnt take much to upset their tummys or set off a bout of the runs. For fear of repeating myself as ive done on other threads, it may help to write a diary on here of your day to day meals. How long is it since you did SW? I do Extra Easy and find it suits me, some still do red and green days, its whatever suits the individual.

It may help when doing your diary to keep a note of anything that upsets your stomach, I know it must be hard with regard to all the fresh fruit etc with your diabetes, but as long as you have your 1/3 superfree with all your meals im sure you can adjust the plan to suit. There is lots of help and support here and some fab recipe threads to look at. If your stuck just give a shout and someone will always help/reply.

I hope it goes well and good luck on your journey. Were all here for the same reason
Slimming worlds good. It allows you to eat lots and still loose. Its a slow process but we can do it xxx
Depending on what your diet was like before it sometimes takes time to adjust to eating healthy. If you didn't eat a lot of fruits and veg before they can make you sick at first, as crazy as that sounds. I will use myself as an example. My diet before was very poor. NO fruit, NO vegetables, NO water (only sodas, etc) and nearly every meal I ate was deep-fried from a chip shop. If I ate at home it was something that was also unhealthy like a frozen dinner or fish fingers. I would actually get sick to my stomach when I initially tried to eat vegetables and grilled chicken or fish. It sounds funny, but it's true.

Have you talked to your doctor?

SW is the only diet that has worked for me. Unfortunately I am in a rut right now and haven't followed the diet at all for 3 whole days, but in the last five weeks I have lost a little over a stone when before SW I had given up. I thought that being fat was just my lot in life.

Hang in there!
Hi All.
Welcome to this forum and SW.
I was also T2 Diabetic, high blood pressure, arthritus, high cholesterol but almost all of these problems have now gone! I have also lost almost 7 stone....
I eat almost every thing I like but I make it all myself.
Follow the link below for my recipes, the newest index is on page 60!
Good luck with your journey.