I'm no longer obese

As of today, I'm no longer obese, just overweight :). Hurrah!


Congratulations and well done!!!!!!!!!!!


Love Mini xxx
well done hun, can't wait to join you!!!
Having been in denial about being obese, it was a great feeling to get to overweight!
Well done you, a fantastic achievement.
Huge congratumalations to you! You've done so well!

PS - you have just the best username ever, everytime i see it, it makes me giggle :D (saying "its all gone to hell in a hand cart" is a well worn phrase with me" :p)

Thanks, Karen. It gave me a giggle coming up with it.

well done xx
I have only just turned "overweight" and I'm loving it too...

Congratulations to you, me, everybody who has got there before us and eveybody who will get there soon...

Love this diet..
