I've found the perfect motivation for this diet!

Yup, I know what you mean about the doubts thing, I wasn't sure myself, to be honest, I'm still not! But I've just figured that actually I deserve a guy that will chase me, it shouldn't be the other way around! Not to the extent that it is now anyway. Before, he did the chasing. Then he realised I am the size I am, and now he doesn't even answer my call. So I don't have time for people like that in my life anymore. And I'm not going to sit around here waiting for a call from some shallow... loser who I deserve a million times better than.
Isn't it awful that people who we class as friends or even loved ones think they can talk so horridly about our old selves once we start to lose weight. It's like HELLO I still have feelings! My so called best friend and flat mate done a double take the other day when I wore a gorgeous new dress and said, with absolute disgust in her voice "Now I'M the fat friend!" I was gobsmacked! But should have smacked her gob lol

Caroline, I think this is great motivation to keep you going. Wipe the smirk off that twerp's face! xxx