Joining new club tonight.


I am very nervous about joining new club tonight, did SW years ago. I am now the heaviest I have ever been, so depressed about it but it's only me that can change it. Last year I gave up smoking, this year I'm going to lose the weight.
Good luck Lou Lou and well done for giving up smoking, I'm sure losing the weight will be a doddle in comparison! X
Thank you, went to my chosen class but it's not there anymore. Good start lol, next local one is Wednesday. Look forward to it x
Thank you, went to my chosen class but it's not there anymore. Good start lol, next local one is Wednesday. Look forward to it x

Oh dear! How did it go on Wednesday? I was sooo nervous about mine but it was fine in the end. everyone is in the same boat at least! x
Best of luck! Good job with the smoking I know how hard it is! :(
Me too, I'm going to my class for the first time on Wed. It seems like a long journey but this time next year I will be slimmer. I've tried so many times I've just got to stick with it and not get fed up when I put on the odd lb.
Good luck, my first week went well. Highly motivated this time. As like you I have tried so many times. How much do you want to lose? Have a read of the success story's on here, they are an inspiration. On SW you can eat so much, just need to plan x
Hi LouLou I would love to lose six stones. As we are both weighing in on a Wednesday hopefully we can keep each other motivated.
Yeah defo but my weigh in is Monday, lost 4lb in my first week. Let me know how you get on. Lets do this together x x x there are girls in my group that have lost 4 st since jan, qmy down fall is wine at the weekend x
My day has been ok, went for a long walk and will go to spin class tonight.
I went to my class. Everyone was very friendly and the consultant seems lovely. It is always nerve racking going places your own. Well done on your 4lbs an excellent start. I hope to have a similar weight loss next week. I intend to stick with it and I'm in a very positive frame of mind now. My problems come at about 8 to 10 weeks were I usually get fed up and give up. I don't want to do that this time. Wine is a tough one you could swap to vodka.
Small steps, don't think that far ahead, we can do it :)
Good advice Lou, How has your week been going? I went to a concert at a racecourse last night, and the food was so tempting. I'm so pleased with myself as I kept on track.
I've got a long journey, so I guess I will fall off the wagon too from time to time. Yesterday wasn't so great for me either. I would normally have day after day of bad days and feel bad but I'm ok today.
Good luck, let me know.