Live, Love, Eat & Repeat


Rather comfy here
Hello to anyone reading this lol

I originally started a Food Diary thread but realised I also wanted to track my losses too so thought I would create another thread for all my ramblings and capturing my thoughts plus food.

So I am currently a Target Member and been that way since last year BUT to be honest I haven't been in range for much of the year 😕

I'm finding that being Perimenopausal is affecting me more recently. Once my period comes along, I get a gain (which takes me over the Target max) and then I end up spending 3 weeks losing it and paying out the weekly cost to only to have 1 week back in Target before the cycle starts again.

I am desperate to get further into the Target range again so that when Auntie Flow comes along it doesn't matter as I'm still in that range.

I have followed SW back in 1997, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2020 and last 2022. I like the EE but find that can be challenging with getting the right balance plus I need something 'new' which means I have decided to follow SW Red and Green Days which isn't new but feels like it plus I had lots of success on that plan.

I am currently 'registered' as Target as my last weigh in I was 10st 9.5lbs although after a holiday it's more like 10st 13.lbs so about a 4lbs gain. My max Target range is 10st 10.5lbs so need to lose at least 3lbs to be back in the range. As a Target Member I only need to go to class once every two months to maintain Target 'rights' so I've decided rather than get trapped into trying to lose 3lbs in one week before paying....I'll knock off the pounds gain this month and then return.

Ideally I want to get to the bottom of my Target which is 10st 4.5lbs so once I'm back un Target my next goal is the other end lol.

So here's to going Old Skool and losing the holiday gain along with my personal ramblings
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Day 1
5th Aug
Green Day

Breakfast - Blueberries, Cherries, Clementines and Greek Yogurt

Lunch - Missed as I had a late Breakie

Dinner - Jacket Potato, Baked Beans and Cheese (HEA)

Snacks - Mini Ginger Bread (4) Mini Cheddars (5) Aldi Hula Hoops (6)
Muller Light (Free) and Tea (HEA)

Absolut Citron Vodka (2.5) and Lemonade

Total Syns 17.5

Activity - Walked into town with my youngest and 11, 298 Steps

My Day
We (Hubby and I) had a lovely day, did a bit of tidying up and then off to a Garden Centre to pick up some Perennials for the Garden. I am no gardener but I have 3 big raised flowers beds and if I don't put plants in there, all I end up doing to the weeding lol So I'm starting to learn about plants, which ones I like and trying to keep them alive which is always my downfall 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣

Then hubby and i stopped for a drink in the local pub, sat in the garden with the River running past and chilled.

I did JPs in the Slow Cooker - oh my days what a time saver.....soft JPs and I didn't have much faff! Definitely doing that again!

I got my backside into gear and planted the flowers/plants so that's another job done!

I've also just realised that I forgot my HEB hahaha. Although that was because my Breakfast and Lunch merged as one so didn't have one.

Chuffed I had a successful day ☺️
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Day 2
6th Aug
Red Day

Breakfast - Blueberries, Cherries and Yogurt

Lunch - Missed as I was working outside

Dinner - Fajitas - Chicken, Peppers, Onions, Carrots and 2 x WW Wraps (HEB) and Cheese (HEA)

Snacks - 30g Raisin wheats (6) Aldi Popouts (3.5) Muller Light (Free)

Total Syns 9.5

Activity - Gardening and 13,459 steps

My Day
The morning was chilled but I soon got bored lol so ended up cleaning the inside of both Cars and then I worked on the front garden doing all the de-weeding in the drive way and getting all the moss up. I have done about 80% but run out of steam so have to finish it off tomorrow 🤦🏼‍♀️ Its one of them jobs that although hard work totally worth it as you can see the difference.

I'm not very good at being bored and what with being off over the summer I tend to find I do the jobs that I never get around to do at the weekends. I just can't sit down all day and do nothing....probably too much nervous energy although I love seeing I've accomplished something.

I have jumped on the scales as its going downwards. My proper weigh in is Friday so I'll report the results then.
Day 3
7th Aug
Think it will be Extra Easy

Total Syns

My Day

Today Hubby and I need to help my parents so thinking Dinner may end up being Spag Bol which could be go either Red or Extra Easy. Will update how my day goes later on
Morning, just saying hello 🤗
Good morning,

So being on SW hasn't quite gone to plan although I'm not too disheartened as I've been making memories and socialising with family/friends and that is what life is truly about!

I'm going to restart today, I've got all my books out, just need to sit down and plan for the week ahead. The main aim to try and do as many Red and Green days rather than Extra Easy but if a meal fits better under EE I will do that day.

I even found an old SW Food Journal not used so going to fill that it regardless of whether I fall off the wagon or not. I want to be successful this month - I have no other social events planned until the end of August so a good few weeks ahead of me - yay xx