Step 1 Sole Source Journey to the new me


Hi my name is Tori
I haven't always been a big girl but going into my teens i gained weight and with the more weight i gained the more food i ate it was/still is a vicious circle i have put myself in. By the time i decided to finally do something about my weight i was at 113.3 kg or 249 pounds. So at the start of the year i started changing my lifestyle Eating healthy proved difficult and i found myself cheating time and time again to the point that after losing 14kg in the beginning i put almost the whole lot back on leaving me where i am today 111 kg with almost another whole year gone! Looking at myself in the mirror i thought i don't want to look like this on my 21st birthday!

So i am determined to change!! I met with my consultant on Friday the 15th of november 2013 and Today the 16/08/13 i started my Journey with Cambridge! While i want to look amazing for my 21st on 08/11/2014 I'm hoping to loose most of the weight before april <3 I dont want to spend another bali trip over weight, insecure and hiding from photos!

So here i am asking for your help, support and motivation to keep me on the straight and narrow.

Start weight- 111.3kg - 244lb
Goal weight- 65kg - 143lb
Good luck Tori! Wish I had done it while I was still your age as i would have loved to be slim in my 20's like you will be! the first few days can be tough (for some) so just drink plenty of water, space you packs and you'll start feeling great in a few days!x
Hi Tori, Welcome to the forum.
As already said in the last post.. very good time to start and get to grips with that weight problem... it's so much easier to get those pounds to shift at your age and such a lot to gain with all those lovely fashions around now and feeling great too.
Look back at your previous weight loss with a positive knowing that you did it before so you know you will be able to do it again!
All the very best to you! .. :girlpower:
Thank you Nomorecake and emma line
im trying to put off having breakfast till about 9am so that i can space lunch and breakfast, im drinking a tone of water to keep the hunger pangs away and it seems to be working im very excited
OMG day one was hard :O i found myself hanging out for the next shake, today on the other hand has been far easier than yesterday.
I found keeping busy and not just watching tv is keeping me from thinking about food. My biggest problem is that i am a boredom eater, so if im sitting down and watching tv i find that i get hungry faster or i "think" im getting hungry faster. Im drinking a ton of water to keep the hunger pangs at bay and i have started a blog because writing on here and the blog is making it easier to keep busy.
Week one down :) i had my weigh in on friday and lose 2.5kg or 5.5lb .. im happy with that because i wasnt on the diet for 2 or 3 days before my weigh in as i had a funeral away from home to go to. this week will be better :)