June 28th 2014 is the big day! And I've just done week 1 of my plan! Eeeek!


So, my fiance and I have been together 8 years, he proposed on my 21st birthday in Italy at the top of the leaning tower of Pisa, he is a cutie huh? He wanted to get married right away, I dragged my heels as I hated myself felt and feel ugly and disgusting. I used the fact we bought a home and other things as reason to put off our big day, when really I just couldnt face the issue of 'me'.

Well now I am after a nervous breakdown and a LOT of therapy (ongoing) I'm dealing, and doing better than I ever have. So I took the decision last week after booking my wedding venue and band, that I HAD to get my ass in gear and do something. I decided my goal weight and I'm on the road. Today was my 1st weigh in and I lost 9lbs and 5cm from waist and 5cm from hips. I feel such a renewed sense of commitment as I never thought in million years I would be able to do this.

I want my pictures and my guests to say wow she looks like shes glowing, not look at the back fat. lol.

However. cravings are kicking my butt big time. I'd love some help if anyone has any tips they would be VERY much appreciated.

I'd love to know how everyone else is doing and just swap some infor and inspiration.

Hope all you blushing brides do amazingly! B x
Day 11 I'm feeling so bored, I've avoided going anywhere for a few days as the teptations are killing me. Right now I was to be bad. :( B x