Just coming to the end of my first week. Saboteurs around!


It has been very very hard, but I haven't deviated from the ss plan at all and after many years of failed dieting and emotional eatingI am feeling so proud of myself. First weigh in shows a loss of 9 pounds which is really motivating me to continue.
The problem I have encountered is the many saboteurs who seem to want me to stay fat. I have explained the health benefits until I 'm blue in the face but I feel some people are used to me being bigger than them and don't want me to lose weight. Is this common?
I think it is common. It's the same with smoking - when I gave up I lost count of the number of smokers who told me how hard it was etc.

I rarely bother explaining this diet to anyone unless they genuinely want to hear about it. When they say,
"Ooh that sounds really hard" I tell them it isn't. We all know it can be hard at times, but if people think it's impossible then they won't want to try.
It is possible and I think it helps others to see that. There are plenty of people on here who are testament to how well it works and you can keep the weight off.

Ignore people with negative things to say. You're doing a fantastic thing and you're doing it for you! You don't need others dragging you down. x
It has been very very hard, but I haven't deviated from the ss plan at all and after many years of failed dieting and emotional eatingI am feeling so proud of myself. First weigh in shows a loss of 9 pounds which is really motivating me to continue.
The problem I have encountered is the many saboteurs who seem to want me to stay fat. I have explained the health benefits until I 'm blue in the face but I feel some people are used to me being bigger than them and don't want me to lose weight. Is this common?

Hey, congrats on your amazing weight loss! Well done for not cheating, I'm just at the end of my first week now and know how hard it is.

I think it is a bit common to find people not wanting you to change, but you just have to remember you are doing this for yourself and not for them, and what they think doesn't matter. Some of it may be down to jealousy, some friends just feel like you're going to change and they like you the way you are, but whatever it is, wishing you to stay as you are - which is unhealthy and unhappy - is not what being a friend is all about, so don't take any notice!

I wish you luck on the rest of you CD journey :) xx
me too

also coming to end of first week and other half (unintentionally I think) trying to get me to "just eat a bit of something"

Have not told anyone I am even trying CD as I can imagine less than positive reaction - I am biggest one in my social group :cry: (fat happy one)
It makes life difficult doesn't it? I guess people need to realise it's not forever and in the end, it leads to better health, longer life etc! It's a very responsible thing to be doing really!