Sheesh - there's no keeping you down is there!!
You are a marvel! Sending you a big hug and my best wishes for a full and speedy recovery xx[/quote
Nah Debbie no keeping me down! I should really be resting but very hard with Andy working....which he had to do being self-employed he couldn't really take too much time off. I could really do with a few hours kip though as was abit deleirious (SP) last night with high temp and kept getting up to make the bed! sheets had to be just right! WEIRD!! My Mum is coming over later so I'll try and lie down for a while then hard with Sophie around but in the mean time I'll slob out on the sofa....she's got her nurse outfit on and has been looking after Mummy!
Feeling very heady now so talk later.
Kamilla xx