Keeping Going!

Tuesday 31st May 2016

My stickability went well and truly out of the window today..

Such a miserable rainy and cold day.. all very depressing.. plus the return of my aches and pains with a vengeance it seems.

Letter from my fuel company which I was expecting after having to use quite a bit of electricity drying out my bathroom .. said they were going to increase my payments to £115 p.m. which is double what I have been paying. I rang them and said I would pay £90 and after a lot of their wittering on I got quite angry and told them I will be looking for a different supplier so he agreed to set it at that. I do try to control my anger these days but sometimes it takes a bit of hot air to get these people to pay attention.

Several slices of bread and pate was the pattern this afternoon. Been really correct with my food logging so a total of 1338 calories is not too much OTT and that's including a little pot of yogurt for supper.

Total counts: Cals 1,338 Carbs 140 SatFat 26 Protein 51 Sodium 2,102 Fibre 17
Wednesday 1st June 2016

Good start to the day which made a change.
Home help came and had a grocery delivery.. all sparkling clean now and well stocked up for the next couple of weeks.

Watching Murray again who kept everyone on their toes again but finally won through..Yay!

Breakfast - Oats 35g + Linseeds 9g + Honey 7g & Coffee + Cream 15ml
Lunch - Bread 34g + Cheese 34g + Coffee + Cream 15ml
Snack - NIL
Dinner - Jacket Potato 200g + Salmon canned 83g + Salad + Salad Cream 30g
Supper - Petit Filous Framage Frais 1pot
Extra - Milk SS 249ml
Bottlegreen Ginger & Lemongrass Cordial 75ml

Cals 1,156 Carbs 116 SatFat 23 Protein 53 Sodium 1,615 Fibre 9
Thursday 2nd June 2016

Up bright and early today.. amazing how different things are each morning.
Council workman came to see to the extractor fan in the kitchen. Apparently I am not supposed to switch it off at the socket but as I've always done that since I've been in this flat I didn't see the reason. He tells me that they are much more up to date and switching them off like that interferes with the settings as they are now designed to be left on so it can monitor the air condition and start up if there is any condensation or anything else.
Then another workman called to fit a new washer to the bathroom tap.. both calls lasting only a few minutes. So that was my excitement for the day..

Meals gone really well and even tho' I had several biscuits mid-day it didn't do too much harm to my counts.

Breakfast - Oats 35g + Linseeds 9g + Honey 7.5g
Lunch - Bread 34g + Cheese 34g & Coffee + Cream 15ml
Snack - Rich Tea Biscuits 4 + Digestive Biscuits 2
Dinner - Salmon canned 54g + Salad + Salad Cream 30ml + Mash 30g
Supper - Petit Filous Fromage Frais 1pot
Extra - Milk SS 240ml
Bottlegreen Ginger & Lemongrass Cordial 75ml

Cals 1,001 Carbs 111 SatFat 14 Protein 37 Sodium 1,058 Fibre 13
Friday 3rd June 2016

Had to wait in for a parcel to be collected otherwise it would have gone past the returns date but I had hoped to go out to lunch. Then found the combi-boiler has stopped working which it does from time to time so they will be calling tomorrow between 8am and 6pm ..Drat! On the one hand I hope they call early so I can go out for lunch but on the other hand I hate anyone calling in the morning as I'm often not able to get up early. Glad I had a shower this morning as it's bloomin' cold now.

Had one of the microwave meals and it was absolutely revolting! Tesco's healthy eating chicken chow mein to be exact. All I could taste was some sort of seaweed.. Yuk! looked horrible as well.
I was so annoyed and ended up having 2 boiled eggs and 2 slices of toast which has now put my cals up to 1392!
Saturday 4th June 2016

Gasman came about 11am which was just right and I went out to Sainsbury's for lunch. Had a browse round the store and spent my gift coupon of £10 on fruit and vegetables plus a bar of chocolate.. naughty me! :oops:
That's put my calories up a lot but with the added calories for the "exercise" today it turns out not too bad.

Cals 1,394 Carbs 122 SatFat 29 Protein 63 Sodium 1,812 Fibre 10

(225 calories for "exercise" i.e. shopping, carrying groceries upstairs etc.)
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I have decided that I shall not be posting to this forum anymore, in fact I will not be taking this journey with any forum as a diary partly because there is no point as I am not getting any support which I am very disappointed about, but also as I am constantly battling with a lot of other problems which are not helping with my attempts to lose the weight.
I shall still be logging my food on MFP as I know only too well that I will soon be inclined to add on the pounds unless I keep an eye on things.
Thanks Mini and Peirce for starting this up again as I know there will be lots of people that it will help in their weight loss programs.

BYE! ..
Sorry to hear that Emmaline as you will be missed more than you realise, but I understand as we all get burnt-0ut on forums and need a break, and taking some time out can help refocus...I have done it myself :rolleyes:

The forums are always pretty quiet at this time of year and especially with the good weather and members like myself want to make the most of it while the sun shines as this could be our summer.:cool:

I love reading your diary Emmaline and seeing how you are getting on with your knitting and life in general. Emmaline, you always come across as a very intelligent, independent woman, who is enjoying life to the full in spite of your health problems, and your struggle with your weight, is one we can all empathise with...

Emmaline, you are someone who I feel over the years I have got to know through your many diaries and I have grown to admire and respect very much, as you are always busy doing your best to help others and I am so very sorry you feel we have let you down as obviously we have that you should feel like this.

Can I just say in my own defence and that of our Members, that I feel most might not of realised you wanted or needed support, that your diary was more a record for you personally... for when posting on a diary if you want other members to still need to let members know that their input is welcome by leaving questions or open ended thoughts on your posts to draw response, or asking out right for support in those moments when you really can do with it, as most members do not like to intrude... and we all need prompting and cues...these are equivalent to leaving the door open for a response.

You have had 541 views on this diary which is pretty good for such a short space of time and almost 6,000 on the one in Gold, so that to me, tells me, that others are interested in you and what you have to say and shows you are not alone.

I appreciate and thank you for all your support Emmaline, and I hope we will see you on here again, if only to let us know how you are getting on.
@Emmaline sorry I've not been around to support you. You should of shouted out earlier before you felt the need to leave.
You know you can always message me on FB if you want.Not that I'm any use to anyone at the mo. I've had too much of a break and need to get back on it myself.But have lost my motivation.

If you don't update on here I will 'see' you on FB. x :)
I've just read through your diary as it was near the top. Only to see your message towards the end, seems such a shame. If it's any consolation you've spurred me on to get back on track. I have 'fat birds can't fly' in cal counting diaries if you fancy a read :)
I am sorry that you feel that you've not had the support you have needed and wanted here... This forum is rather scattered with so many sections and sub-sections, it's not always easy to find places to comment on. I do echo a little bit of what Mini said, that it is generally quite difficult to reply on a daily log of intake, but where I have seen you post in other places, it's been a pleasure to read and respond to your thoughtful and encouraging messages.

I hope you continue your journey and know that we're all here for you when and if you decide to return.

Hi, just been reading through your diary to see you last post :( so sad you feel that way. I would love to subscribe to your diary so please come back :)

hope you're ok x x
Hi Jenny Thanks for that post .. I am now posting in my diary in the Gold section and have been for a little while now .. couldn't stay away from Minimins for very long :)
I've had a lot of problems with my back which is gradually getting worse unfortunately but I'm trying to carry on as I really want to lose more of this weight which in turn will help ease my back pain.
I'll go have a read of your diary but it won't be until tomorrow as I need to have a lie down now .. see you soon.

My diary link ..