Ketosis Question


Full Member
I understand that from time to time people have the odd blip and therefore take the body out of ketosis - does this mean that you will not loose weight whilst you are out of ketosis OR that just that you will feel very hungary until it kicks in again?

Sorry for such a thick question - but I cant seem to get my head around it

J x
It's not a thick question. And I suppose it all depends on the size of the blip.

If it was a one biscuit blip you'd just come out of ketosis and would probably lose weight that week, although you would get some water retention. If however it was a Dangerous Debz sized weekend blip, you'd be out of ketosis and either remain the same weight as your last weigh in or even put on weight.

The main thing is having done the blip forget it and try not to do it again. (Says she knowing she's probably going away for the weekend!)
Being in ketosis offers hunger protection which is why you can only take in 450 calories a day and not eat your own arm, therefore by knocking yourself out of ketosis you lose that hunger protection and tend to eat again and then get in a loop of not getting back into ketosis, being hungry, eating etc etc

You can still lose weight and not be in ketosis as if you have 1000 calories a day of carb you will still lose weight as your body needs more calories BUT without the duvet of ketosis the diet is very very very very very hard to stick to.
