
I'm on day 4 and I don't feel any different at all. I've followed the plan to the letter so not sure what's going on. Any suggestions anyone

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Hmm, let's see. :D

(1) Funny taste in your mouth - sort of metallic
(2) Other people tell you your breath smells
(3) Your wee smells a bit - a bit like an over-ripe apple (that goes for your breath too - ketones smell that way :))
(4) You feel colder than usual (not a problem in summer, but hell in winter).

Any of those sound familiar?
Got the funny taste in my mouth and feel a bit colder than normal but that's it. Does that mean I'm there? Burning my podgy fat?? Woo hoo :D

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being entirely not hungry is the most important side-effect!!! :)