Leaving cambridge, what to do next?


Silver Member
So I've done really well on Cambridge and lost 3 stone, I had the best determination and apart from totm I had really good weekly losses. It all fell down hill after a few weeks off plan for events and I just couldn't get back on it. I thought I'd be at my target by now but I've been all over the place unable to focus on the plan and keep to it. I've wasted 2 months practically and gotten no where. So I've come off it at a critical time (2 weeks till holiday :/) but I knew I just couldn't do it.

I've been swimming for 2 weeks now and will continue that, I'm keeping up my water and have been conscious of what eating, but the scales say I've put on 6lbs! Is this now because I've eaten and should it drop once my body is used to eating? Like I said I've eaten recently due to not being able to stick to plan so I actually wonder if that weight gain is real! But a few days ago I was lbs lighter!

Has anyone left cambridge but continued to diet, what did you do and how did your weight fluctuate? I'm beginning to get really worried :/

Sorry can't really offer any advice, didnt want to just read and run, I have been exactly the same as you however I have decided to give it one last try, i believe a lot of people will put on initially what they lose in the first week as this is generally the storea you had glyogen and all that but once you settle back into a routine you should start seeing losses again.

Hope this helps, best of luck with whatever you decide to do.

Le xx
Hi there

I did Cambridge for few weeks on 2 occasions. Each time I lost loads of weight about 1 1/2 stone or more in 3 weeks.
However I couldn't stick with it as I believe it's not for he for many reasons mainly all I did was think of food and what I was going to have when I could eat again which led to a vicious binge and purge cycle. I put on about 10lbs just eating normally after CD. BUT I joined SW and lost 6lbs in the first week and 8.5lbs last week.
Cambridge is all about your mindset and I don't think I'll ever do it again as I think it can mess up your relationship with food- seeing it as a reward rather than just fuel.
All the very best with whatever you decide. Cambridge has helped loads on here so I'm sure you'll get a mixed response.
I think you already know the answers to some of these questions. I'm going to be a tad controversial. Don't do it. Don't give up on Cambridge. I've stood where you're standing so many times it's crazy. I have at times managed to convince myself and everyone around me that I would lose weight on another diet and that I just needed to feel normal and eat normal food and do normal social things.

But that's why I'm still here. Because I have a tendency to give up too soon. If I'd just hung on during the times when it got tough, not been seduced by the lure of other diets, I'd have been at goal for several years now. Instead, I've lurched from diet to diet seeking the Holy Grail of dieting. It doesn't exist, by the way. If SW or WW had found 'the way' neither company would still be in business.

All diets get more difficult the closer you get to goal. It's a human nature thing. You look and feel better, so much so that the part of your brain that's addicted to food fools you that you can bend the rules a bit. And so you do. A meal out here and there, sneaky chocolate, bigger portions. That's not something peculiar to Cambridge, it just has a bigger impact because you regain glycogen and water weight and put back half a stone really quickly. A couple of days of sole source takes those pounds straight back off again. I know, because I've done it. I've done it in the last week, in fact.

Cambridge ruins you for all other diets. Results like nomigippy's are rare and after the first week or two, they taper off a long way. Will you be able to cope with losing a pound a week long term? Speaking personally, I can't. And sooner or later, despite swearing I won't, I end up back at my CWPC's house with my tail between my legs and usually a stone heavier than when she last saw me. :sigh:

I think you've been doing Cambridge too long to be able to make the switch easily - not saying you can't, just that it's tricky. And I think that the very fact you've posted this here might actually be because you aren't sure whether you're giving up on Cambridge too soon.

I understand the holiday mindset well - how it makes you feel what the hell-ish. But in 2 weeks, if you put your mind to it, you could lose half a stone. You might have to lose it again after coming back from holidays, but better to be faced with half a stone gain than a stone!

Think about it, okay? Only you know what's best for you but I'm always honest when folks ask this sort of thing. And by the way, congratulations on what you've achieved so far! :clap:
nomigippy said:
Hi there

I did Cambridge for few weeks on 2 occasions. Each time I lost loads of weight about 1 1/2 stone or more in 3 weeks.
However I couldn't stick with it as I believe it's not for he for many reasons mainly all I did was think of food and what I was going to have when I could eat again which led to a vicious binge and purge cycle. I put on about 10lbs just eating normally after CD. BUT I joined SW and lost 6lbs in the first week and 8.5lbs last week.
Cambridge is all about your mindset and I don't think I'll ever do it again as I think it can mess up your relationship with food- seeing it as a reward rather than just fuel.
All the very best with whatever you decide. Cambridge has helped loads on here so I'm sure you'll get a mixed response.

That's exactly why I was doing, and if I had an off day I'd have as much foods as I possibly could because I didn't know when i would next have it.
Cambridge hasn't helped my relationship with food in the past, I had hoped it would do this time and I think it has a little, but I'm not sure I can continue with it. I was thinking of doing more of a sw route, congrats and well done on your losses so far!
Lily said:
I think you already know the answers to some of these questions. I'm going to be a tad controversial. Don't do it. Don't give up on Cambridge. I've stood where you're standing so many times it's crazy. I have at times managed to convince myself and everyone around me that I would lose weight on another diet and that I just needed to feel normal and eat normal food and do normal social things.

But that's why I'm still here. Because I have a tendency to give up too soon. If I'd just hung on during the times when it got tough, not been seduced by the lure of other diets, I'd have been at goal for several years now. Instead, I've lurched from diet to diet seeking the Holy Grail of dieting. It doesn't exist, by the way. If SW or WW had found 'the way' neither company would still be in business.

All diets get more difficult the closer you get to goal. It's a human nature thing. You look and feel better, so much so that the part of your brain that's addicted to food fools you that you can bend the rules a bit. And so you do. A meal out here and there, sneaky chocolate, bigger portions. That's not something peculiar to Cambridge, it just has a bigger impact because you regain glycogen and water weight and put back half a stone really quickly. A couple of days of sole source takes those pounds straight back off again. I know, because I've done it. I've done it in the last week, in fact.

Cambridge ruins you for all other diets. Results like nomigippy's are rare and after the first week or two, they taper off a long way. Will you be able to cope with losing a pound a week long term? Speaking personally, I can't. And sooner or later, despite swearing I won't, I end up back at my CWPC's house with my tail between my legs and usually a stone heavier than when she last saw me. :sigh:

I think you've been doing Cambridge too long to be able to make the switch easily - not saying you can't, just that it's tricky. And I think that the very fact you've posted this here might actually be because you aren't sure whether you're giving up on Cambridge too soon.

I understand the holiday mindset well - how it makes you feel what the hell-ish. But in 2 weeks, if you put your mind to it, you could lose half a stone. You might have to lose it again after coming back from holidays, but better to be faced with half a stone gain than a stone!

Think about it, okay? Only you know what's best for you but I'm always honest when folks ask this sort of thing. And by the way, congratulations on what you've achieved so far! :clap:

Thanks for your reply and thoughts.
I'm not sure I can put my mind to it right now though, and I'm wasting money by not doing it properly. Ive tried a couple of times and ill have good weeks but then a bad week and totally undo what id done prior. However, I'm not sure I'm completely giving up, but I've definitely come to the point where I know I can't rely on cambridge for life, for me it's not healthy mentally helping with my relationship with food, but I'm not giving up on it completely.

I'm going to try healthy eating and exercise to see if I can cope gradually losing weight, which is a lot better for maintaining and practice for how I will eat when not dieting. If I can't get to a happy weight and body image and my weight begins to go up I will probably go back to cambridge to put a stop to that and to help lose those last lbs. I'd love to find another diet that makes me happier and is more adaptable to life, and I do believe there are diets out there that can do just that, cambridge isn't the only answer. I just need to keep that determination and strength so it works.
silencemylips said:
Thanks for your reply and thoughts.
I'm not sure I can put my mind to it right now though, and I'm wasting money by not doing it properly. Ive tried a couple of times and ill have good weeks but then a bad week and totally undo what id done prior. However, I'm not sure I'm completely giving up, but I've definitely come to the point where I know I can't rely on cambridge for life, for me it's not healthy mentally helping with my relationship with food, but I'm not giving up on it completely.

I'm going to try healthy eating and exercise to see if I can cope gradually losing weight, which is a lot better for maintaining and practice for how I will eat when not dieting. If I can't get to a happy weight and body image and my weight begins to go up I will probably go back to cambridge to put a stop to that and to help lose those last lbs. I'd love to find another diet that makes me happier and is more adaptable to life, and I do believe there are diets out there that can do just that, cambridge isn't the only answer. I just need to keep that determination and strength so it works.

Again, if I had a pound for every time I've said that... I'd be rich if not slim. :)

I really hope it works out for you. The last time I stopped Cambridge I said I was never never never going back. And yet here I am... :rolleyes:

I wish you all the very best because I definitely don't want you to end up like me! x x
Hey the 6lb gain could be from recarbing. Try a low carb or at least a carb light plan going forward! Could you not try a higher step in Cambridge? I do a mix between Cambridge and Slim and Save as you can have some protiens and veg as well as the food packs. :D
Jelliebabe said:
Hey the 6lb gain could be from recarbing. Try a low carb or at least a carb light plan going forward! Could you not try a higher step in Cambridge? I do a mix between Cambridge and Slim and Save as you can have some protiens and veg as well as the food packs. :D

I know how u feel I have been doing this for the last 25/26 weeks and the last 10 weeks I have not been sticking to it properly but I have had a long hard talk to myself and with my counsellor today and I think I was sabotaging myself because this diet has worked so well for me and i can't believe it I am me back on track and ready to be 100% you can only do what works well for u but I know despite all my messing about this does work so back on it I go good luck with whatever u decide xxxxx

Nothing tastes as good as Slim feels :)
I was exactly where u r!!!! I lost just under 3stone on cd in 14 weeks but had to take a couple if weeks off, and i just could not get back into it!!!!
Iv since lost a further stone by trying all sorts! C.c juddd another week stint on cd but mainly all im doing is keeping carbs lower and eating proteins, salads, veggies with a treat meal at the weekend and at the gym 4times a week,
Iv made a lovely friend in here u shud check out her diary shes done amazingle well coming off of cd and eating and still losing!!!! * slightly chubby girl slim < hopefully > * her name is GretaGrip
Good luck with whatever u chose to do its sooooo hard i know!!!! X
littlemumma said:
I was exactly where u r!!!! I lost just under 3stone on cd in 14 weeks but had to take a couple if weeks off, and i just could not get back into it!!!!
Iv since lost a further stone by trying all sorts! C.c juddd another week stint on cd but mainly all im doing is keeping carbs lower and eating proteins, salads, veggies with a treat meal at the weekend and at the gym 4times a week,
Iv made a lovely friend in here u shud check out her diary shes done amazingle well coming off of cd and eating and still losing!!!! * slightly chubby girl slim < hopefully > * her name is GretaGrip
Good luck with whatever u chose to do its sooooo hard i know!!!! X

Thanks for that! Ill check her out. So far by just roughly calorie counting, eating healthy and swimming I've lost 3lbs of that extra lbs I'd put on after coming off on Saturday. So it's looking hopeful and I'm mentally being careful and thoughtful with what I eat. I think you've just got to understand that there's other ways of losing weight other than cd, and believing it.
How have you found judd? I've thought about that one!
Ladyleemcg said:
Have u considered trying a higher step meaning you're staying in plan but not as restricted therefore won't feel the need to binge? Xx

I had thought about it but I think if I was eating more I definitely wouldn't be having any shakes and I want a little more flexibility with my foods and I don't find that cd has a great amount of food options that are allowed. I've been really good though this week and because I've allowed myself a tiny bit of something if I want it and have been eating tasty (but healthy) food,I haven't binged yet, fingers crossed.
Jelliebabe said:
Hey the 6lb gain could be from recarbing. Try a low carb or at least a carb light plan going forward! Could you not try a higher step in Cambridge? I do a mix between Cambridge and Slim and Save as you can have some protiens and veg as well as the food packs. :D

I was hoping so! I've lost 3lbs of that 6 so far, so hoping for more, it's looks positive now! I think I'll probably use a mixture of product so have left next week if I feel i can manage it.
Quite frankly. Eat sensibly, go on holiday and relax, recharge. Come home and hit it head on again.

You gain is normal when introducing food. Your fat cells have swollen up with just water.

No other diet works as well when your head is in the game.

I did ww a while back as I was still feeding my son (4mths to 10mths) and my usual loss was 1lb a week. Losses of 6-8lb on sw and ww are unique after the first week.