Losing weight and clothing sizes


New Member
Heyyy... I was wondering, how much weight do you have to lose to go down a dress size?
I've been doing slimming world since mid June, and have lost 20lb, and as I'm 5ft 6.5inches, my goal weight is 140lbs, and I've still got 13lb to go. However I'm a pear shape, and whilst I have noticed that my size 16 jeans have gotten looser, I am still unable to fit into (without feeling like I'm dying LOL) a size 14. The thing is, the other day I had a huge clean up and threw out most of my clothes. Not the greatest idea I've ever had, I admit. But I'm going back to university on the 24th september, and I really really need a few outfits. However, as I'm unlikely to reach my goal weight by then, I cant help but feel like its pointless to buy clothes that wont fit in a few more weeks/ a month.

And the fact that I havent actually gone down a jean size is reallyyyy annoying, as I wanted to be a 10-12. Has anyone noticed a drastic reduction in clothing size with the last stone or am I forever destined for a size 16. Because if I lose a couple of dress sizes with the last 13lb, then my new wardrobe that I want wont fit... :(

Any advice?
I think it depends where you lose the weight on your body. If you lose it from your bottom it would not really effect a dress size. You have a tricky situation. How about buying cheap clothes in your size? Just buy a few things and if you lose more weight you may go down a size. Well done for losing 20 pounds. That is great.