May Challenge

No idea why but I've stayed the same this week. I track EVERYTHING and I've eaten brill. Ahh well, hopefully it'll sort itself out next week with a mega loss.

danders: target = 7lbs loss (5.75 lost so far)
Hules: target = 7lbs loss (0 this week - 4.25 lost so far) pants!
Sharkbait1983 = 7lbs loss
That is so annoying. Keep weighing in, if you feel inclined.
I'm looking for ideas for the next challenge to start in June. Do we want another monthly one? Or 6 week summer challenge. Alternatively we could do a 'Keep Hules Company on her Holiday Countdown Challenge'? Thoughts please.
Ha! I'd like that, but could really do with smaller ones to keep me focussed, I'm happy to do a June one.. Been thinking I could do with some sort of water challenge too.