My WI...

Hey Emma - sorry it took so long for me to get back to you - broadband died when I was in the middle of replying on Friday and its only came back on now... I was completely and utterly lost without this site over the weekend!

Have you already got the Wii? If you have, then you could always buy the Wii Personal Trainer game, the Wii Fit is only optional and you can do it without it, if you found you really liked it then you could always at a later date buy the Wii Fit alongside it.

I wouldn't say it was essential though - its something that I do as an extra and the main things that I do for my fitness (as you already know, hope I'm not boring you with repeat info!lol) is swimming, the gym, spinning now and the odd fitness DVD that I got as bargains from Play!lol

I don't want to say go out and buy it because it could be one of those things that you don't really end up using... its a hard one! How you getting on? x

really handy tip there thanks:happy096::talk017: i have been debating i use my wii sport alot certainly builds up a sweat:bliss: after a while the old heart rate is going :happy036:but wanted something a bit more. think i have been swayed :D
First goal to acheive by 21-08-09

The big goal
:17729: :copon:

Hey Emma - sorry it took so long for me to get back to you - broadband died when I was in the middle of replying on Friday and its only came back on now... I was completely and utterly lost without this site over the weekend!

Have you already got the Wii? If you have, then you could always buy the Wii Personal Trainer game, the Wii Fit is only optional and you can do it without it, if you found you really liked it then you could always at a later date buy the Wii Fit alongside it.

I wouldn't say it was essential though - its something that I do as an extra and the main things that I do for my fitness (as you already know, hope I'm not boring you with repeat info!lol) is swimming, the gym, spinning now and the odd fitness DVD that I got as bargains from Play!lol

I don't want to say go out and buy it because it could be one of those things that you don't really end up using... its a hard one! How you getting on? x

JenJen.. don't worry about the late reply, I haven't been on the forum much over the past few days either. I don't have a Wii at the minute, but I would consider buying one if I thought it'd be a big help.

I think I'll hold out for now, because when I go back to uni in September, I'll be re-joining the gym and starting spinning classes too, as well as cycling to uni and back every day.

I'm doing good, I'm half way through the second week now. I lost 3.5lbs in the first week, which I was really really happy about, considering I had a couple of bad days and ate a takeaway pizza on Saturday night! But this week is going well so far, I just hope I have a decent weight loss on Monday again.

I have another question though... is it important to make sure you eat at least 10g of fat per meal? I know the maximum is 15g but I read somewhere that it's still important to have at least 10g otherwise the pills won't be working?

Also.. do you know of any meals that are fat free? I read you don't take the pill if your meal has no fat in it, but I couldn't think of anything at all that could be classed as a full meal with no fat in it. Any ideas?

Sorry for asking so many questions, I'm still a bit confused about it all lol.

:) x
JenJen.. don't worry about the late reply, I haven't been on the forum much over the past few days either. I don't have a Wii at the minute, but I would consider buying one if I thought it'd be a big help.

I think I'll hold out for now, because when I go back to uni in September, I'll be re-joining the gym and starting spinning classes too, as well as cycling to uni and back every day.

I'm doing good, I'm half way through the second week now. I lost 3.5lbs in the first week, which I was really really happy about, considering I had a couple of bad days and ate a takeaway pizza on Saturday night! But this week is going well so far, I just hope I have a decent weight loss on Monday again.

I have another question though... is it important to make sure you eat at least 10g of fat per meal? I know the maximum is 15g but I read somewhere that it's still important to have at least 10g otherwise the pills won't be working?

Also.. do you know of any meals that are fat free? I read you don't take the pill if your meal has no fat in it, but I couldn't think of anything at all that could be classed as a full meal with no fat in it. Any ideas?

Sorry for asking so many questions, I'm still a bit confused about it all lol.

:) x

I can't think of anything without fat myself - apart from diet coke!lol But thats hardly a meal!

I try and eat as low fat as possible. You do need a certain amount of fat in your meal, but I haven't heard that you need to eat 10g, some of my meals definitely don't have that and I'm loosing weight well.

And well done to you for you first week loss!

I can't think of anything without fat myself - apart from diet coke!lol But thats hardly a meal!

I try and eat as low fat as possible. You do need a certain amount of fat in your meal, but I haven't heard that you need to eat 10g, some of my meals definitely don't have that and I'm loosing weight well.

And well done to you for you first week loss!


Hello again jenjen, I've got some good news! I was in argos today buying a new TV for going back to uni, and my brother was feeling flush so he ended up buying a brand new Wii with the Wii fit and balance board! I didn't even have to spend a penny, and I've got full use of it for another 5 weeks until I go back to uni! :D

My whole family have been playing on it all day, and I've 60 minutes exercise. I love it! My fitness age is currently 38(!) - 18 years older than I am... but hopefully by the time I move back to Wales, I'll have it down a bit. He's also splashed out on the new EA Sports Active game with personal trainer, so that should be delivered on Monday, and according to the reviews, the new game is even better than Wii Fit as it has a 30 day fitness programme!

I was really struggling with the exercise part of the new Xenical lifestyle, but now I'm really excited about working out every day :D

Sorry for the long post, lol. How are you getting on? How long have you been taking Xenical? And how much are you losing on average each week?

Hello again jenjen, I've got some good news! I was in argos today buying a new TV for going back to uni, and my brother was feeling flush so he ended up buying a brand new Wii with the Wii fit and balance board! I didn't even have to spend a penny, and I've got full use of it for another 5 weeks until I go back to uni! :D

My whole family have been playing on it all day, and I've 60 minutes exercise. I love it! My fitness age is currently 38(!) - 18 years older than I am... but hopefully by the time I move back to Wales, I'll have it down a bit. He's also splashed out on the new EA Sports Active game with personal trainer, so that should be delivered on Monday, and according to the reviews, the new game is even better than Wii Fit as it has a 30 day fitness programme!

I was really struggling with the exercise part of the new Xenical lifestyle, but now I'm really excited about working out every day :D

Sorry for the long post, lol. How are you getting on? How long have you been taking Xenical? And how much are you losing on average each week?


Now that really is a bonus Emma! The Wii Fit is great but like I mentioned in my post before the Wii Personal Trainer game is really great - basically the nunchucker fits in a pocket thing that you strap to your leg and off you go - it comes with a resistance band and I really enjoy it - its very demanding and the first time I used my face was beetroot red!

I've been dieting since 15 June this year and started taking Xenical on 17 June. My first week weightloss was gobsmacking - I lost 10lbs. Following week was 4lbs and last week I lost 3lbs. I think it will be about 3lbs a week roughly, or here's hoping! As long as its a loss really!lol

I'm glad that you have found a fun way to exercise because thats half the battle really and the wii fit gives you a good way to monitor your weightloss too!

And don't worry about long posts or questions - ask away, chat as much as you want!:D xxx