Newbie to slimming world!


New Member
Hi all,
I've started Slimming World, from home! It's my 2nd week and I'm feeling great! Weight has gone up a bit since giving up the cigarettes just over a year ago! So I'd love to get back to having a healthy diet again!
Look forward to chatting. :)
Hiya, yup I know what you mean re the giving up smoking bit, but hoping it worth it in the end :-/ im on week 3 and got next weigh in tomorrow night. Im also new to forum :-/ good luck with everything :)
Best of luck in your journey, let us know how it goes ex smoker!!
Thanks a mill! And well done on giving up the smoking too!! It's hard but so worth it! I just have to change my eating habits now and hopefully ill get the weight off :)
Hi everyone,

Also just started SW. I do smoke but feel like its one step at a time to be honest. Weight first then smoking. I have a lot to lose and I'm really hoping I can do it, some of the stories on here are amazing.

So started last week and had first weigh in last night -5.5lbs which I was very chuffed with. Just hope I lose next week as I really think it would dishearten me and I would hate that.
Thank you both :)
Well done Lian on your first weight in! That was a great start! I hope it continues for you. ;-)
Yes well done indeed!