Not strong enough for 100% SS


Full Member
2 days in and its evident im not ready for 100 % soul source. Iv been coming in from work ravenous, cold feeling sorry for my self. Trying to battle with guilt of picking and failing.

So iv came to the conclusion that i am gonna have a meal at night, a fillet chicken and veg sounds very inviting and tasty and will satisfy me rather than wanting to nibble all night.
So im going for a formal weigh in on saturday morning.

The difference is this time i noticed what i needed pretty quickly, were before i would sabotaged myself as usual and beat my self up about the unmanagable at this moment in time

Andrene x
That would make it 810 right? Or could even do that as SS+ and would still do well I'm sure.
Hey Hen!! Just do SSplus and then you will be doing CD SSPlus 100%!!!!! It's not as hard on you and the results are just as good!!! Personally i wouldn't even have considered SS. Too severe for me so i SSplussed all the way:p

Good luck:D
I would agree, go for SS+, its 3 packs a day and a small meal... sounds perfect for you!
I also do ss+ and I'm sooo glad. If I didn't choose ss+ I would always be thinking of food and the CD would almost be like a prison sentence waiting for my release so I can binge.
I'm another SS+ girl, for me it provides a quality of life that I personally would not feel if I was on SS (which obviously works very well for others).
But you are right andrene, it is better that you identify at an early stage what is best for you within the CD plans, rather than feel a failure because you can't stick to your originally chosen plan x
it is better that you identify at an early stage what is best for you within the CD plans, rather than feel a failure because you can't stick to your originally chosen plan x

Well said !

Andrene assuming you are 'not being strong enough' maybe a bit harsh? Maybe your body is saying that it needs a bit more for now. It's actually, I feel, a very strong thing to listen to your body and to be sensitive to its needs.

so true

Thank you very much for your wise replies im most gratfull.
I wil be doing 2 sachet's and a small meal as said i think it wi keep me mentally on track.

I agree with feeling things and listening to your body. I practise this all the time now even the most little feeling in your tummy is usually linked with an emotional unhappiness.
I spent years pushing this down with food.
Since doing my counselling Pgd which required a lot of self analazyse (hasent improved my speling though lol) its been a painfull process at times but a lot of lessons learned about myself.
I am now very quickly able to detect if i am not happy about a comment or situation and stop for a sec and see what its about, and decide how to react.

I do at times feel very raw and sometimes exposed but woudnt have it any other way.
I at last feel in tune with me and a ot more in control.
I must add i still go off on eating tangents but can see it for what it is, and it does feel some what differenet now.

Im off to see the CD counselor in saturday and will put this week down to experience and learn.

All experiences are lessons good or bad that makes the future kind of exciting.

Wishing you all the best girls

Andrene x