Oh - it's all gone pear shaped ....


Silver Member
... and I've fallen off the diet wagon big style :break_diet:
I'm blaming my sister. I phoned her on Friday for a chat only to be told she was just waiting for her hubby to get off the computer then they were driving up for a visit. She lives a 4-5 hour drive away so we don't see nearly enough of each other and she's my last living birth family member :(
Unfortunately, the weekend degenerated into an orgy of pizza, red wine, a curry night out and vodka :eek::eek:
I don't want to weigh in tonight, but I will and I'll take it on the chin. Sis got her one stone award last week ;)
Planning to do a superspeed week on EE this coming week.
Oh hun! It's OK :) And Shelly's right, get back on the wagon NOW!

Superspeed week sounds good, make it a Success Express one too if you can?

You don't get to see your sister much, like you said, so it's OK :) You don't intentionally go off plan, you work really hard for your losses, so maybe this will have shocked your system a bit and contribute towards a nice big loss in the coming weeks.

Sometimes your body needs a little shock just not every week like I try to do lmao! Well done for getting back on it :)
Well done on your success so far x
Ive said this before and I will say it again, a drop off plan will do NO harm as long as you get straight back on plan afterwards and may even do some good. Obviously its not something you could do every other day and expect to lose - but once a fortnight or once a month even keeps your metabolism on its toes and shakes your system up.

Good for you Meadowbankles!!! :D