
When did people start calling babygrows onsies? It's an American term isn't it?
Ya I think it feel weird at age 30 calling what im wearing a babygro tho! :) anyhoo its mighty warm whatever one wants to call it :) Jenny, I think u were here last March/April when I did this the first time? How u getting on? I wonder how Daisy and Mr. C are getting on now (they used to post a lot back then). Finding this evening extremely difficult to be honest, cannot stop thinking about food :(
I lost 2 stone last time and then my dissertation and my boyfriend feel off the food wagon and I gained the 30 lbs back. He is more dedicated than I am as he has a lot more to lose. He is down 100lbs. This is his last bash with Lipotrim and he said if I did it I could tell him how to eat when we came off it together. So here I am for 4 week detox and then maintenance until we are at our goal weight. I find it very hard to not think about food. Dreamt about it last night and worst of all my family brought home chipper food after going out drinking... gota keep looking at the weight number going down. :)
I can totally identify with life getting in the way of dieting - same thing pretty much happened to me :( It sounds like you have a great plan for your refeed so fair play - I think thats probably the key to maintenance really. Fingers crossed we keep going! x
I lack self control. I lack seeing an actual number on my scale. I have one that is non digital and says stone, so I need to use a digital one. Every morning stand on it and if I go over a certain number be a good girl until the number goes down. I also have to fix my emotional eating. Fri or Sat Night with a bag of crisps or biscuits and a bottle of wine... I miss my wine and chewing!
I'm the same Saturday night used to be treat night. At least my fiance is being supportive and not eating junk food when I'm around. Its hard enought when he eats his pizza and chips on a Friday night!
I am staying at my dads part time and friday night they came home with chipper food after being at the pub! Now I hate chipper chips ect but **** I could of murdered any of them for the food. Next day they had a fry up. They are trying to kill me!
Lol!! It's funny the thing I've noticed is how many ads there are on TV about food. I drool at the Marks and spencer ads in particular.not sure i could cope with someone eating chips in front of me at the mo :) fair play for resisting
I went to see a friend last week and she was eating chips and beans in front of was so painful!!
It is soooo hard watching people eat. I cook for my fiancé, then drool as I watch him eat - like I'm punishing myself.

Don't know who feels more uncomfortable - him, whilst I stare / make comments about his meal or me!!

Nicola x