

Bears dont dig on dancin'
So it got to 7:30pm, I bathed my LO and put him to bed. I was tired so thought, i'llgo to bedand watch Xfactor, then go to sleep... it's now 8:30pm and I realise I have forgotten to have dinner! OMG! I'm getting hungry now hmm...going to get something to eat would involve going down one staircase, down the hall past lo's room, through 2 babygates, down another staircase and through a stairgate to the kitchen... just not worth possibly waking him up! Lol. Here's to a hungry night's sleep... *sulk* xx
Lol and to make it worse, OH got in from work at 9, and texted me saying he was having a chinese before coming to bed lol. (Not that I want one too, blergh, just the fact he was eating and I was starving)

Well I survived the night... hehe xx