Full Member
First full week of Slimming World (SW) under my belt and the rest of my life ahead of me; so, reflection time (the highs, the lows, the light-bulb moments and the no-no's.). The devils and angels
I chose to attend a Wednesday evening meeting for my first meeting. Why? Because it is within walking distance
But, I drove
... well, it was sheeting down! Besides, it really wasn't important *how* I got there; the important thing was that I *got* there! Carpe diem, MrsSOS :checkmark green:
Surprised the SW had me at a weight 2lb higher than my bathroom digital scales, but, that's fine I'll make mental adjustments if I use my bathroom scales
First reaction to food optimising: low fat, low sugar, cook from scratch (so, more time consuming - but then it would be anyway; anything you have to think twice about is). Lasting impression: do-able
Left the meeting feeling very optimistic
.... and drove around looking for a takeaway I fancied that I could [STRIKE]binge on[/STRIKE] eat before my first (official) SW day.
Awoke enthused about Food Optimising (FO) and Extra Easy (EE). Began researching foods/recipes to draw up a menu plan for the week. Settled on the SW "Budget" menu plan and asked DH to pick up the necessaries on the way home from work (I was busy researching at the computer :giggle: )
Had a banana for breakfast before heading out for a class in the neighbouring town. Did consider taking another one with me, but didn't ... oh dear(!) ... the class went well, but, that walk up the High Street was sooo tempting: I could smell pizza - crossed the road - could smell fish and chips - crossed the road - could smell Burger King - crossed the road - straight into the full face waft of Big M's - so I walked, as fast as I could to the bus stop before I lost all self restraint!! On a positive note: I walked more briskly on the way back to the bus stop than I had on the way to class :giggle:
Activity: that brisk walk to the bus stop! (Aiming for Bronze)
Saturday was a (sedentary) breeze
Joined this forum.
Attempted the Fake Away Donar Kebab recipe and first attempt at SW chips. The kebab (made with extra lean beef mince) was "okay", but nothing to rave about (I'll have a play with the seasonings, I think). The chips were on the dry side, so next time, I shall par boil them in stock.
Oooh, very, very challenging! Sunday dinner without any wine!!?????
Thank goodness I had discovered FebFast - alcohol thread which did help me refocus on my decision not to have alcohol while I am in the initial stages of SW.
Activity: dog obedience/agility class. :chores016:
Back on track (mentally). Sunday was a good exercise in reminding me how life has its triggers and I need to recognise them and learn how to deal with them.
Contacted my Consultant (who I still haven't met) to ask if I could attend her Tuesday morning group for my first weigh in because I had something else on my agenda for Wednesday evening. She was lovely and Tuesday for weigh in it will be (even though I will only have 5 full days of SW under my belt by then).
Activity: :chores016: Met a really lovely lady and her 4 dogs (bonus!)
Weigh Day Tuesday:
New location, new group and new time of day (morning!)
Legs ached from yesterdays walking, but, still parked the car at the end of the road and walked down to the hall (only about 8 minutes away, but, a brisk walk is a brisk walk: carpe diem, MrsSOS!)
Met a couple of ladies who live nearer to my way but who had also decided to try this group (one lady because it was day time and she would find parking much easier).
Deliberately did not look at the scales when I was being weighed. My logic being: I've only being doing this 5 days and if I haven't lost anything I could, possibly, get a monk on by brooding on it between weigh in and read out and that is not a friendly look to wear around new people :sigh: While waiting, decided to buy the magazine ... lo and behold ... who is selling it? The lovely lady I had met walking the dog the day before! :wavey: Bonus!
Weight Loss: 1.5lb :clap:
Drove home feeling quite pleased .... why only "quite"? .... because I had been 5 days FO *and* without any alcohol passing my parched lips .... and I had hoped, hoped, it would have reflected more on my weight loss
Cue: Devil vs Angel mentality.
One wouldn't hurt (devil) oh yes it would! (angel); 'celebrate' your loss with a big treat (devil) - or, sabotage it! (Angel);
Then came "cast the monkey" mentality and trying to justify to DH why some wine really wouldn't hurt (knowing he wouldn't condone it) and that led to a disagreement (which I sort of knew it would) and that led me to thinking it is all *his* fault for not saying: "Well done! No of course one glass won't hurt and a fish supper is a great way to celebrate". Yes, I could syn wine, but, I promised myself not to have *any*
He skulked off upstairs: I gave myself a good talking to and hit the forums.
Lo and behold, I found someone who was thinking precisely how I had been thinking all day!! Is this wise? And it gave me time to reflect on my own position and give a considered response.
A gloomy weather day so a good day to clear out some cobwebs (mentally and physically).
Opened the windows (brr!) and polished and hovered like my life depended on it (hmm, wonder if that counts towards bronze?). Cooked Diet Chicken (but with turkey) for our main meal, which we had during the middle of the day so I had the rest of the day free.
Felt very positive. Didn't make my evening out, because of the weather, but that was ok because my legs were grateful for the rest
Activity :chores016: for 20 minutes (all before the rain came down: Carpe diem, MrsSOS :checkmark green: )
Overall view of my first full week at SW
Today (Thursday) is Day 1 of Week 2: Carpe diem, MrsSOS, carpe diem sine metu!!
I chose to attend a Wednesday evening meeting for my first meeting. Why? Because it is within walking distance
But, I drove
Surprised the SW had me at a weight 2lb higher than my bathroom digital scales, but, that's fine I'll make mental adjustments if I use my bathroom scales
First reaction to food optimising: low fat, low sugar, cook from scratch (so, more time consuming - but then it would be anyway; anything you have to think twice about is). Lasting impression: do-able

Left the meeting feeling very optimistic
Awoke enthused about Food Optimising (FO) and Extra Easy (EE). Began researching foods/recipes to draw up a menu plan for the week. Settled on the SW "Budget" menu plan and asked DH to pick up the necessaries on the way home from work (I was busy researching at the computer :giggle: )
Had a banana for breakfast before heading out for a class in the neighbouring town. Did consider taking another one with me, but didn't ... oh dear(!) ... the class went well, but, that walk up the High Street was sooo tempting: I could smell pizza - crossed the road - could smell fish and chips - crossed the road - could smell Burger King - crossed the road - straight into the full face waft of Big M's - so I walked, as fast as I could to the bus stop before I lost all self restraint!! On a positive note: I walked more briskly on the way back to the bus stop than I had on the way to class :giggle:
Activity: that brisk walk to the bus stop! (Aiming for Bronze)
Saturday was a (sedentary) breeze
Joined this forum.
Attempted the Fake Away Donar Kebab recipe and first attempt at SW chips. The kebab (made with extra lean beef mince) was "okay", but nothing to rave about (I'll have a play with the seasonings, I think). The chips were on the dry side, so next time, I shall par boil them in stock.
Oooh, very, very challenging! Sunday dinner without any wine!!?????
Activity: dog obedience/agility class. :chores016:
Back on track (mentally). Sunday was a good exercise in reminding me how life has its triggers and I need to recognise them and learn how to deal with them.
Contacted my Consultant (who I still haven't met) to ask if I could attend her Tuesday morning group for my first weigh in because I had something else on my agenda for Wednesday evening. She was lovely and Tuesday for weigh in it will be (even though I will only have 5 full days of SW under my belt by then).
Activity: :chores016: Met a really lovely lady and her 4 dogs (bonus!)
Weigh Day Tuesday:
New location, new group and new time of day (morning!)
Legs ached from yesterdays walking, but, still parked the car at the end of the road and walked down to the hall (only about 8 minutes away, but, a brisk walk is a brisk walk: carpe diem, MrsSOS!)
Met a couple of ladies who live nearer to my way but who had also decided to try this group (one lady because it was day time and she would find parking much easier).
Deliberately did not look at the scales when I was being weighed. My logic being: I've only being doing this 5 days and if I haven't lost anything I could, possibly, get a monk on by brooding on it between weigh in and read out and that is not a friendly look to wear around new people :sigh: While waiting, decided to buy the magazine ... lo and behold ... who is selling it? The lovely lady I had met walking the dog the day before! :wavey: Bonus!
Weight Loss: 1.5lb :clap:
Drove home feeling quite pleased .... why only "quite"? .... because I had been 5 days FO *and* without any alcohol passing my parched lips .... and I had hoped, hoped, it would have reflected more on my weight loss
Cue: Devil vs Angel mentality.
One wouldn't hurt (devil) oh yes it would! (angel); 'celebrate' your loss with a big treat (devil) - or, sabotage it! (Angel);
Then came "cast the monkey" mentality and trying to justify to DH why some wine really wouldn't hurt (knowing he wouldn't condone it) and that led to a disagreement (which I sort of knew it would) and that led me to thinking it is all *his* fault for not saying: "Well done! No of course one glass won't hurt and a fish supper is a great way to celebrate". Yes, I could syn wine, but, I promised myself not to have *any*

He skulked off upstairs: I gave myself a good talking to and hit the forums.
Lo and behold, I found someone who was thinking precisely how I had been thinking all day!! Is this wise? And it gave me time to reflect on my own position and give a considered response.
A gloomy weather day so a good day to clear out some cobwebs (mentally and physically).
Opened the windows (brr!) and polished and hovered like my life depended on it (hmm, wonder if that counts towards bronze?). Cooked Diet Chicken (but with turkey) for our main meal, which we had during the middle of the day so I had the rest of the day free.
Felt very positive. Didn't make my evening out, because of the weather, but that was ok because my legs were grateful for the rest
Activity :chores016: for 20 minutes (all before the rain came down: Carpe diem, MrsSOS :checkmark green: )
Overall view of my first full week at SW
- I'm very happy to eat low fat, low sugar, home cooked food: that is not difficult (70%) of the time
- I *will* have challenging times (30% this week) and I will find ways to deal with them (e.g :chores016: or stair walking, or reading these forums and finding I'm not alone!!)
- 1.5lb loss over 5 days is not to be sniffed at - a gain during my first week may have been
- No one is going to beat me up, banish me to a dessert island, spurn me or torture me until I break if I should have a weak moment. I will continue to remind myself of the reasons I first walked through that door.
- This is *my* journey (not DH's, not my family's, not the dog's, not the 'group', but mine) and I need to take full responsibility for my thoughts, actions, strengths and weaknesses.
- Tuesday meetings suit me better than Wednesday meetings
Today (Thursday) is Day 1 of Week 2: Carpe diem, MrsSOS, carpe diem sine metu!!