Is it like fudge? Someone told me one of the bars is like a finger of fudge.
I wish u could get a box with little samples of all the products in. I've wasted plenty of money on soups, porridge, shakes and bars... All then ended up binned or down the sink. The only thing a really enjoy is the chocolate tetra, yum X
in my first week I tried to buy one of everything and used that as a way to weed out what I wouldn't like with minimum spend, also if you have bought a few of something that you don't like, your consultant should just change them for you :) I went through everything and found out that I hate all of the soups and porridges and that I can only tolorate most of the powdered shakes lol I have now narrowed it down to me liking four things: The pre made chocolate carton shakes or 'tetra's' and the choc mint bar, the cranberry crunch and the peanut bar. So that's what I live on lol I enjoy heating up my choc shakes with a little added water to make me feel like I've got more in my cup and it's like a creamy hot chocolate. Try the cranberry crunch bar. I know a couple of people who don't like any of the bars other than this one. x