Pregnancy and Slimming World



I have just discovered that i am around 2-3 weeks pregnant. Can i still follow the Slimming World diet to loose weight and is there anything i need to change in my diet.

Yeah you can - but speak to the other preggie women on the sub thread called pregnancy and SW which is up a bit on the main page, they then can assist you with the correct advice :)
Congrats :)

Do you go to class? U spoke to my consultant and she gave me a sheet to give to the midwife to sign - but you might want to do that when you're a bi further on

You can have two hexA and hexB - that's the only change really!

Im nearlly 7 months and I put on and lose each week - in obviously not trying to lose but I stayed on it so I don't balloon up! Also I have a few cheeky treats as well as following SW ;)

Yeah if you go to group then you should speak to your consultant... but obviously depends on you whether you want her/him to know just yet or if you want to hold off a bit. They'll give you the proper information, but you can have extra HEX's.

I'm not going to be having a baby for a long time, but I'll def still follow slimming world when I am

and congratulations