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Silver Member
Hi everyone,

Just last Thursday I rejoined SW after a year long semi sabbatical. I was trying to stick at it whilst away and in hotels and stuff.

Now I might be jumping the gun a bit but can anyone out there help me out....I've been 100% since Thursday, I checked how far out my scales are on SW when I got home from group and all I seem to have done is put weight on so far....

I have been obsessively weighing which I've been trying so hard not to do, but I'm not letting it put me off.

I'm sure I'm eating enough superfree, I'm eating too much if anything.

It might just be too early to assess the situation which may just be all the problem is.

Can anyone help me out or at least put my mind at ease? I know you'll all tell me I'm weighing myself too early :/

Jo x
You have answered your own question and you know what any one will tell you. You are weighing yourself to early :) only weigh yourself once a week and as long as you follow plan you will lose! x