Rosebug's Diary [back on the chain gang~]

Waterworks said:
Bad luck, but I'm sure the similarities are screaming out to you as the author, but will be much less striking to a reader. What was the film called Rose? Great that you've got it in the can with so much time to spare too.

The film was called the happening. I didn't see it because ironically it was on while I was sitting up tapping on my laptop. It was only on turning on twitter today and seeing people talking about it that I thought the theme sounded familiar. As it turns out the plots are really different but it's still an odd basic idea (killer plants, essentially) to crossover with. I already knew I had a mild influence from war if the worlds and acknowledge that within the story, but this was unexpected. Ah well.
RachieB said:
Stick to your guns keep going and draw strength that no two stories can be exactly the same if written in isolation. Plus, take comfort that 2 great minds think alike.

I am with you on your battle with the weight. I am determined that I want this weight off so that I can wear nice clothes feel comfortable and then I can order my brand new Mini Cooper D in British Racing Green with Union Jack tattoo on the bonnet brum brum xxxx

I haven't seen the film myself, just looked at the wiki page today, but it is by all reports a very bad film, so not sure about great minds ;) ah well hopefully my take is an improvement.

If I ever learn to drive, I've always wanted a black taxi cab. Or a pink Cadillac!
Morning Rose
The film wasn't up to much Rose. ;)

Good luck vlcding. You know you're definitely not alone with it just now.
Morning guys. On the train, feeling nauseous as seems to be my daily norm right now. I'm genuinely looking forward to barely having to eat.
Morning Rosebug,
glad to hear you are looking forward to the new scheme - it must be awful trying to eat when you don't want to (I once had a bug - must be over 20 years ago- that I picked up in Asia. Couldn't eat properly for 3 months but oh my goodness I ended up skinny and miserable!). Hope that works for you both feeling better and loss wise.

Glad to hear that you are sticking with your story - I bet your original is better than a rubbish movie :)
Have a good day
morning love. Best of luck on your new diet and yes please stick around here xxx
Feeling really sick today so am totally off plan : fruit, dry toast & soup only. Wonder when my packs will arrive.
Well I have an 8:45am appointment for my phlebotomist to steal the usual 8 vials of blood so will hopefully find out of it's anything meaningful soonish. Getting very run down by it - although I'm not going to lie, eating some fruit has been amazing. Just a pain that I won't be in ketosis for starting the vlcd - but I have no cravings and still very little interest in food so hopefully it will be ok.
Morning Rose, I hope they come up with some answers love
mornig love xxxx hope you can get sorted and hope the blood taking is ok xxx
Hi Sweetie. Hope your appt was ok this morning and your packs arrive soon
Well, the clinic has all my blood and I'm not doing a food diary specifically, just had quorn, cheese, fruit.

Got packs but haven't sorted them yet so starting tomorrow eve.
Morning Rose
Morning Rosebug. Hope you have a good day :)