
lunar jim

Gold Member
I know CD'ers aren't allowed salt. But I'm wondering why? Does it cause an imbalance in the finely tuned nutritional mix from the CD sachets etc., or is it do do with water, or something else?
Hey Lj glad you posted this i have often wondered the same thing, especially as we are flushing so much out with all the water!
Salt naturally makes you retain water so makes you appear heavier than you actually are. It's hard to measure how much weight someone has lost when they're carrying water weight as well so it's best to stay clear when on CD I'm afraid unless you want to be carrying those extra lbs!;)
Technically that's not 100% true.

I've started taking a daily supplement of Himalayan crystal salt, as recommended by my CDC who is a trained nutritionist. The idea behind is that salt enables the cells to be hydrated and therefore does not retain excess water. I have to say it's definately worked for me- I'm able to drink less water ( I still have at least the recommended amount) but when I'm weighed (my CDC checks water too) I'm showing I'm better hydrated too!! The type of salt is important- normal table salt is basically sodium choloride which is no good for you at all.
Not retain in the way that you are describing. You are talking about excess water, which will affect your weight. If you have the right amount of salt in your system, you will have properly hydrated cells, therefore your body will rid itself of the excess water, instead of holding on to it. This is not about normal table salt (stripped of natural minerals leaving sodium choloride) but natural crystal salts.
The salt you're talking about is a suppliment and not salt that you put in your food (table salt) which is what Jim was talking about.
You've just said yourself your salt suppliments and table salt are very different things, Jim isn't talking about suppliments.
I've got loads of stuff that my nutritionist sent me (she's also my CDC lol) that explains the goodness of the stuff, you can also google Himilayan Crystal Salt. Let me know if you want any of the info emailing or linking in pm, it's very interesting!!