Saturday nite Minimins nightclub

Rule the world it

this gives me goose bumps .... i could cry for no reason at this, to me, represents what it should be like to be in love, totally utterly and completely!! Wow, someone slap me i am getting all mushy
this gives me goose bumps .... i could cry for no reason at this, to me, represents what it should be like to be in love, totally utterly and completely!! Wow, someone slap me i am getting all mushy

Ahhhhhhh - definately... love it :D:D:D
How sad am I - I can't remember the first song hubby and I danced to at our wedding!

How sad am I - I can't remember the first song hubby and I danced to at our wedding!

Wow... how long have you been married?
Must be ages
We've been together since we were teenagers and have been married nearly 19 years - OMG how long is that!!!! And how old does that make me!!!!!!

But, I wouldn't change him for the earth! He still makes me laugh and winds me up big time too!!!!!

Awwwww how cute xxx xx xx xxx