Scan bran????


Silver Member
What is it??
Ive seen people mention it quite a few times and im clueless to what it is.
Do people use it as a healthy extra?
Does it help up your weight loss?
6 scan bran is heb. They taste like cardboard but there are a lot of recipes with them on SW website including onion bhajis and fudge cake! I just made a lovely cake with smash so might try the scan bran recipes too
They are an "acquired" taste. Failing that, they are very good for taking dry skin off your heels!!! ha ha. No seriously, they are sold in group and many of our member do have good results after eating them! :0
Hahahaha you should of seen my face when i read about the dry feet!!
Ill have a looky at the recipes, anything is worth a go and its good to mix things up and try something new.
Its like branflakes, altho not as nice. Is a big rectangular shape... I hate it when its soggy and can just about manage two slices if i have any lmao
Yup, except...... Rivitas are......"nicer" lmao!!
lol Ryvitas are positively delicious in comparison!
I'm about to attempt the scan bran chocolate cake recipe as listed on the SW's hoping it doesn't taste as hideous as the "ferrero rocher"....NOT ferrero rochers!! lol
I genuinely quite like them!! Baked beans go quite nicely on top as the sauce soaks into it, or tuna mixed with fat free yoghurt as a topping is nice too! :)
Apparently theyre good for weightloss as according to my consultant they make you even more "regular" than you normally are haha
I really like scan bran with either a topping or as a cake. I tend to have atleast 2 a day and syn them or 5 of them as my hexb. This week as i am low on them i havent had them everyday and have found it very difficult to go! Just hope it doesnt affect my losses x
cat yoyo greaves said:
Definately I thought they tasted awful but my god did I go

Yup - vile carpet tiles & not even remotely worth the money or energy you expend trying to swallow them!
Haha u lot r making me howl.

After looking at recipes iv decided im going to make cherry bakewell scran bran cake, the rocky road one and the choc one.

Cant wait to get some scran bran am get baking.

Im muchly exited!!!!