Slim Fast and ummmm going to the toilet!

I've always wanted to try SF, [i have 2 stone to lose] but am worried about the meal replacement diets having an effect on how often you go to the loo, part of the reason i would never do atkins....

I know since you're eating 1 normal healthy meal a day you can get fibre from the fruit and veg, but i'm just wondering what people experiences are?

Thanks :)
Hi Maude it is possible to go either way im afraid. Some people react to the vits and mins in the 1st week but get constipated after that. Drink plenty of fluids and like you said have plenty of veg with your meal and its fine. If it gets bad i have a tub of benefibre, spoon of that dissolved in water does the trick. HTH.
Hi QueenMaude
I have done slimfast several times before and have never had any problems. It's actually the only diet I have done that doesn't leave me hungry and I actually enjoyed the shakes although only the strawberry and banana ones! I blitz them up with added ice.
Good luck what ever you decide to do