
Hi, if you did join slimming world then you would have to syn your smoothies even though fruit is free food, it's something to do with sugars when blending. I prefer calorie counting as I don't feel so restricted. There are somedays that I want to eat something a bit naughtier or I just feel more hungry and I want to eat synned food, which takes me over what I'm supposed to be having each day. With calorie counting I can still have the occasional crazy eating day but I know that if I do then I need to exercise to burn off the extra calories I'm eating. I find this works. With slimming world they don't allow you extra syns if you exercise, calorie counting does. And by calorie counting I mean using the my fitness pal app. Don't get me wrong, slimming world is a good diet with loads of free food options and it has made me think about food differently but it's still makes me feel like I'm dieting. With calorie counting I don't feel like I'm dieting although it is a pain weighing everything out. But it's free! Everybody works differently though. Good luck with whatever you choose!
Hi Tia - I've just bought a Nutribullet (yesterday) and I'm also looking for good recipes. I calorie count using MFP (please feel free to follow me if you like). I've had my first smoothie this morning and it was yummy - clocked in at just under 400 calories but I was so full and had no snacks until lunchtime. It was their 'protein powerhouse' recipe.

I did SW a few years ago and got down to a weight I was happy with, but it was hard work and pre-children. Now I'm finding the flexibility and convenience of CC much better for me with young kids. I have 2 stone to lose. I generally eat fresh food, low carb/high protein and fat, with loads of veg, following the principles of The Harcombe Diet. I try to avoid starchy carbs and sugar, and booze during the week. But I also bake a lot and occasionally like to have a gin and tonic or four! So CC allows me that flexibility.

So, I can't answer your SW vs CC dilemma for you, that's for you to decide, but I'm finding Pinterest great for smoothie ideas :D