Sort of a returner...

If at first..

Full Member
I lost 10 stones doing first Lighter Life then Exante 4 years ago. The Lighter Life boards here were such an amazing source of strength for me. I have slowly regained all but 6lbs but have finally faced up to that and am feeling very positive about losing it again on Exante and keeping it off this time (Hence 'sort of a returner' as the title). I know I'll find inspiration to keep me going on both Lighter Life and Exante boards regardless of the actual branding on my packs.
I have created a new account as it is symbolic to me as a fresh new start, but if anyone was around 4 ish years ago they might remember me as Peony ;)
Thanks for reading, looking forward to getting to know the folk around here these days x
Peony!! I do remember you!! I lost 10 stone too... And am back again with it all back on... Hoping to start again 01/01/15. You wrote this msg 6 months ago - how are you doing?? It's so much harder as a returner, isn't it? Like a magic spell is broken!! How did you get on? A :)