South West Meet Up - Bath Spa (14th April)

Well what a fantastic day / night, met some great people and had a ball.
Went for a few drinks and a light meal, then myself, Sam, Karen, Sally and Pippa went on boozing. We stayed until chucking out time then had a burger on the way to the hotel. We finally got in at 2.20, well then the giggles started and we just could not stop laughing.....! Well we finally shut up and last tim I looked at the clock it was 3.30am.
Well I was up with the lark at 6.30, though laid in bed until 7.30 trying to get back to sleep, but couldnt so got up and sat in the garden.
Well there are a few of Sam with a bloke getting chatty. Also the usual touristy pics of Bath !

shame thought you meant some real smutty ones lol

Get that photo of me off of there:eek: The one with me at the end of the table nearest the camera. I look like i'm out of it and it was at lunchtime before the drinking even started....
Got a chicken teriake subway on the way home and for once my eyes were actually bigger than my belly and i couldn't finish it :D
Anyway, thanks for the company - we'll have to go out in Plymouth - the nightlife is much better - i have Karen's number now so no escape!!

Mustdoit and Penny - we'll meet you in Bath to try the Spa sometime in the summer.

Dizzy, fancy, Irene and Georgia's - nice to meet you all :D
Sally , glad you had a good time !
Food went down very well indeed , been feeling it today thou ,getting back to ss'ing !!!!

Night out in Plymouth sounds great hun
See you soon x
Nice meeting everyone. :) Glad everyone seems to be home safe and sound.

Dizzy x
i had a fab time meeting you all. was looking forward to meeting u dizzy and everyone and had a great time doing so :D

i dare not look in the gallery....

Im so sorry i didnt get to say goodbye to dizzy and irene. me and sally were obviously keen to get to next pub and didnt hear us being called to say goodbye. was fab to meet you all though xxxx
The gallery is fine Karen, the ones of you rolling around on the bed are safely locked away in my computer........for!
lol! how bloody comforting! cheers!
so i have a decade to "accidentally" spill coffee over ur laptop. sure even i can manage that hehe!!
Well no cos Sam has got them too. I made sure I emailed them to her, think I will just copy them to disc as
oh crumbs....