Struggling newbie here!


New Member

Iam new to this site. I’m reallystruggling with my weight right now.

Myweight was never something I ever looked at until a stressful situation cameupon me and I started to lose weight to a point where a colleague took me toone side and asked if I was ill. I wasn’ttrying to lose weight, I probably wasn’t eating as much but it was because ofthis nervous energy and constant butterflies in my tummy. I just could never really finish a meal butstill eating junk – like a sausage roll for breakfast every morning.

Anyway, eventually the stress left me and slowly butsurely the weight started to creep on. Itold myself that when I was losing the weight I was going through a stressfultime and wasn’t happy (which is true) and that now that had gone I was muchhappier – hence the eating. But thetruth is, I’m not happy now.

SomehowI just do not have the motivation to really work at it. You’d think being really unhappy withyourself would make you want to lose it but I guess I’m a bit of an emotionaleater and I find it very easy to fall off the bandwagon and stay off it. I’ve also been on holiday for a week and amreally feeling the effects of that!

Iam just under 11st and would like to get down to 9 / 9.5.

Ijust… need help.
Hi there :)
I'm new myself. I've been finding things hard for a really long time especially the motivation to exercise or even wanting to exercise at all.
Something that has really helped me is reading Paul Mckenna's "I Can Make You Thin" which comes with a CD which reinforces everything you read in the book.
It triggers things like emotional eating & how we should eat. Real eye opener :)
Hope you find something that works for you!

Have you tried focusing on something e.g. like fitting into a dress you like etc... for me my motivation is trying for a baby when my partner is home and this has worked... you need to look at everything as a positive and turn everything negative into something positive... this has worked for me in the past and it works for me now! :) I have been told i give good advice therefore if you need anything your more than welcome to message me... You are the only one that can change you :) xx