The Spoon and Me -- Bronski's Diary

we didnt go abroad , we got married in Glencoe in the scottish highlands and i defy anyone to get married in a more stunning setting!! (but it was still far enough away to avoid inviting great aunt Bertha and her entourage!!)

I'm sure your wedding will be fantastic-especially if you go commando!!
Silence: Thanks babe, gonna need it!

Clarri: Welcome, sweets :) Yep, 4 weeks time I become a missus :D Woo!! Haha, I "work" freelance illustrating children's books, from the comfort of my family's loft! Saves on studio rent :D

Frijj: Awww, thanks for the star :) That's ace, love the chain effect! And thanks for the luck too, I need all the lovely luck I can get!


Just having tea, managed two big feats; I didn't eat everything in sight *and* on request of the family, I made cookies and didn't lick the spoon or the bowl!

Oooooooo weigh in tomorrow!!! Hate that nervous feeling before, it's like the most nerve-racking experience I've ever known (second only to driving tests, but I don't need to worry about those anymore :D )

Once again, good luck to everyone weighing in!

mommyb: sorry, we crossed posts! Oo, Scotland! Gorgous country :) Ah, you see I have the advantage of my dad's family not really getting on very well, so I don't need to deal with them by default :D My dad and my step mum go married in Cyprus, which eliminated that issue too!

Oh, Im so jealous, Ive always wanted to do illustration. I did a foundation year of animation, but at the end of it, all my lecturers said I was more suited to fine art, but Ive always had a bit of an illustrators hand.
Congrats on passing your driving test btw.
mega congrats on the driving test babes :D :D

and i have already warned OH that i am wearing granny underwear for our wedding as none of the stuff i like i can afford and a lot of it is padded or really thick if it's a basque and my dress has layers... i'll boil to death!! so bog standard white strapless for me... i'll just get changed later, ha.

abz xx
Congrats on the driving test dear! And good luck on the weigh in.... can't believe it's only 4 weeks til the big day! Very exciting stuff!
Today going well so far, food as normal and a 6 mile run in the morning.

Wish I was able to run that far. :sigh:

Has it taken you long to get to that sort of distance or have you always been able to run? x
Clarri: Awesome! I studied animation at uni! See I'm the opposite; less of a fine artist, more character animation/illustration. Love to animate, always keep an eye out for jobs. Wish I was more proper artsy though, it always looks wonderful :)

abz: Thanks babe :D And thank you thank you thank you for wearing granny pants! Haha, that sounds weird, but my bra's a plain white, strapless bra too. Got a nice thong though, but I would love a proper basque. But when I tried one of my old ones underneath, there was too much material and the dress didn't fit properly. Plus in hindsight, as it's 30degrees today, think we'd definitely fry!

Rori: Thanks mate :D Yep, 4 weeks tomorrow! :eek: Need to organise a few more things, but we'll get there. Probably.

Frijj: I used to hate running. When I was on the judo squad, I used to duck out of the training runs every time, and none of the coachs made a fuss, because they knew I couldn't hack it. I started gradually, running for 1 minute then walking for 2 in sets of 8. Then went up to running for 2, walking for 1, until I could run a straight 3 miles. And I've continued from there :) I love it now! Distance is my real addiction!


Another unsuccessful weigh in: STS. Like I said in Friday thread, I hoped on the scales, and it was 64kgs. Thought "That's not right!" and hoped on again. 65kgs. So I said "Yep, you were definitely right first time scales!" And left it there...

I'd decided this last night, and requested it this morning. I spoke to my parents and told them I wouldn't be eating with them anymore, so I can proper count calories again and be a better weight for the wedding. They didn't mind - think I played it up to be a bigger thing than it was - so that's fine. I'm also going to stop my Fatty Fridays. After today, I'm going to have completely binge free weeks, no exceptions. As well as the running, I'm going to try exercise more, ideally every day, either on the cross trainer, weights, biking or rollerblading. And while on the subject of running, I'm going to retime them so at least two per week are in the morning, carry on increasing distance and start doing fartlek training again. Hills are good training too, but always find at least one on my routes.

Eating today has been awful, but tomorrow onwards I'm not having these binging days again. The fact that I always feel ashamed when I admit how rubbishy I eat on fridays means I know it's wrong. I also know it's incredibly unhealthy mentally and physically, so it's definitely something I need to scrap.

At least I went running today; 8.5 miles. Easier with iPod!

On the wedding front, even though I've not got the wedding skids I wanted, I might be getting the car I've wanted all along; my car. My car was left to me, and is a 1965 VW Beetle!! He's been left standing for a good 3/4 years, so needs charging and a serious MOT check, which we originally thought was going to take too long and cost too much. But we think we can do it reasonably cheaply, so if he's feeling OK once he's charged up, then I might get him afterall!! :bunnydance:

Have a super sun-shiny friday everyone!

mommyb: Thanks, you too!


So after my final Fat Friday, I'm feeling excited and in control again. I'm actually having salad for lunch which is a huge first!! I don't do greens, I lost every single one of those 30-odd kilos without touching a single salad! But it's something I've started to get a taste for and I'm thinking it won't do any harm :)

So had breakfast (dry maple and pecan cereal, which although higher in calories than regular cereal, fills me up for longer which is the important thing, and an apple) and have written out lunch: salad with fried tofu (fried in 1kcal spray), raw carrot, pickled onions and a dip made from Marmite, Henderson's relish and tomato puree, and mango afterwards. Then if I need it, a Snack a Jack later. Total: 620 kcals.

Eating tea at future inlaws', which is never incredibly fatty, I just need to watch the condiments! They serve pasta dry, no sauce whatsoever!! I can't cope with it, I neeeeeeeeed sauce! But they're very sensible portions and naturally lower in fat. Except for dessert, which Tim's dad makes, and are always amazing!

Going to rollerblade for an hour or so as well, which'll be a good variation from running. Plus the sun is gorgous, wouldn't want to waste it!

Time to make a start on origami bouquet making. Catch you all in a bit!

wow! your getting married, can run, drive and a cool job!

never mind with the scales, its good that your changing your ways for the better and running will really help, I'm going to start improving my fitness levels too so I'm going for a jog with a friend this week.
Good weekend Bron?
clarri: Thanks sweetheart :)

Silence: Yep, it's been pretty good, ta :) Excellent for diet and exercise, but overall quite quiet.


Ran the Humber Bridge 10k today, wasn't my best time, but it's a tough course. The Bridge is deceptively hilly. Gorgous weather for it, though I do prefer my races wet...

Today has been a fab day for food, have kept to 1350 kcals. I used a website Calorie Count sent to see how many kcals I needed per day, and that said 1382 kcals for a lightly active person. I know I'm more active than that, but I have a very sedate working and home life, it's just the activity that drags it up.

Hope everyone's had a great weekend!

So far, so good! Having a bigger lunch than usual, but calories carefully counted so that I'm at about 850, so I have about 500 spare for tea later. I'm doing my Pass Plus this afternoon; 6 hours of country, motorway, city and night driving! I'm well excited! Part of it involves stopping by somewhere for food, and last driving instructor and I spoke, we were going to get Subway. So if I get a Veggie Delite without cheese and with BBQ sauce (220ish) I still have enough allowance for crisps (some 150 max) and then a little supper later if I need it.

Went for an hours bike ride this afternoon, just so I'm a bit more confident going into town centre tomorrow. All was fine, feeling happy about the extra exercise!

Think I might set up a distance challenge for myself. There's one on my old weight loss forum, and apart from the odd other person, I'm dominating it. Partly because of the lack of traffic. So reckon I could hack one myself, would be something else to track while I'm waiting to put the ticker for my weight down :D

Hope everyone's OK!

Ran the Humber Bridge 10k today, wasn't my best time, but it's a tough course.

Well done hun. So what was your time if you don't mind me asking? x
Frijj: Time was just over 57 minutes. I've run worse, but I've also run better. I'm still kind of recovering from America, getting the speed up again takes - it transpires - a long time :sigh: Still, I was pretty pleased with the outcome :)

mommyB: Thanks babe! :D


Had a fantastic day today! Kept to calorie allowance, and moved lots; a 10 mile bike ride to and from town, and an 8.4 mile run over cross country. My thighs are aching now, but that's a good thing. I don't ache so much nowadays, so changing exercise routine has clearly done some good!

Best thing about today was a lesson I learnt. Yays, Bronny learnt a lesson!! I'd planned on doing a meal deal at Subway, and had 150 kcals allowance for crisps. But I changed my mind, which saved my wallet, and meant that I could replace those kcals with tofu for tea, and a Snack a Jack as an additional snack after the bike ride. To cut this long winded story short, by cutting out that starchy, fatty bag of crisps, I was able to have a far more satisfying meal, and something to really keep me going. And had 10kcals to spare (ish!)

Need to plan meals for tomorrow, then as far as exercise goes, anything goes really. I won't be running again until Thursday, but I've got a choice of rollerblading, weight training, biking and my brother's latest fad, caporeia, which I promised I'd do with him at some point.

Later guys!

mommyB: Thanks for visiting :) I was really happy with the food choices yesterday, it felt like it all went better than according to plan!


Another great start to the day, kept spot on with the kcals so far, and have the whole day planned. Did about 45 minutes capoeria with brother in the garden too, which made a nice change. No mileage though, but tomorrow I'm going 7 miles. Friday I'm pushing for 9.

Keep smiling!
