Tonight (Tuesday) 9:00pm - Supermarket Secrets


Gone fishing
Professor Regan's Supermarket Secrets

Tuesday 26 February
9:00pm - 9:50pm
BBC2 South

A terrific Horizon puts the "scientific" claims of everyday brands to the test. Are superfoods in any way super? Are organic foods more nutritious than the cheap stuff? Is there any point in drinking probiotic yogurt? Professor Lesley Regan, a no-nonsense obstetrician, has the answers and clearly enjoys parsing the hype that food marketers blind us with (one brand of fruit juice has the cheek to put "cheat death" and "forever young" in its ads). The result is an admirable and enjoyable romp round the supermarket aisles. As you might expect, most claimed health benefits turn out to be unproven, at best. For instance, scientists don't yet know for sure if or how antioxidants, that favourite buzzword of food packaging, actually benefit us when eaten, but you'd never know that looking at the smoothie shelf. More Horizons like this, please.

RT reviewer - David Butcher