treat help

So im having a bad day, nope scrap that a bad week. I have been sticking to SW but i really want a treat today. Can anyone suggest something low/free syn that is easy to make/ready made that i can do. I love chocolate, savorys etc. I am veggie so no meat.

thanks x x :rolleyes:
mikado's are quite good 1/2 a syn per stick and nice with tea/coffee or you could have an options hot chocolate satchet which depending on the flavor are 2 or 3 syns :)
Thanks tasha, i might get the mikados on my lunch. Sometimes you just need something nice x
I put quark mixed with a sachet of white choc options and strawberries on the top meringue nests. Call it my eton mess it is delish!
xLarax said:
Just passing thru with some motivational quotes.

'Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except from what you're going to do from this point forward'

Keep up the good work!

Love this!

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ohhh i love the eton mess idea! Defo going to have to try that one - is quark any syns? x
quark is free, thats my "naughty treat" too, i mix quark, greek yogurt (fat free) sweetner, and vanilla extract, swirl it onto a meringue and top with berries :) sooo mice and feels really naughty and deffo hits that sweet tooth!!
sammi.alice said:
ohhh i love the eton mess idea! Defo going to have to try that one - is quark any syns? x

Ye as said above the quark is free. The added options is 2 syns and you get loads for that. I tend to add one sachet of chocolate to half a tub of quark x
Have you looked at the low syn treats sticky further up the page lol