Want to join SW, info needed please!


Full Member
Hi all, i am thinking about attending my local group on Tuesday but before parting with the ££ can someone tell me about the diet plan and how it works? I can't really find much detailed info on the website. Please help! :)
Cherry - all I can say is its a healthy eating plan (not a diet) that works. I never feel hungry I eat loads and im still losing. Any "diet" works you just need to follow it and want to do it.

I have no problems parting with my £'s every week - ive lost almost 2.5 stones and its money well spent in my eyes. Good luck with the plan x
main focus of the diet is free foods and superfree foods.

You can have as much free food as you want, as long as with every meal, you have at least a third of your plate made up of superfree food.

Free foods: All lean meats (all visible fat/skin removed prior to cooking), fish, rice, pasta, noodles, eggs, potatoes, peas, sweetcorn, baked beans, tinned spaghetti
Superfree foods: All fruit and veg minus peas, potatoes, sweetcorn and one or two other starchy vegetables.

Of course there is more to it than that, but that's the core essence.