Weekly weigh-in thread

Yay! Go Susie!
well done everyone!

i don't know how you do it, i have lost nothing for 3 weeks now, despite being really careful, i've been scrutinizing my diet, severly cut back on alcohol sob, and still i'm not losing. its rather disheartening, but i am determined that if i persevere it will start to shift again.

Post your daily eating on the "What are we eating" thread and let us critique it love.
good idea, will do, i need your expertise!

steve is still losing steadily, he has lost double what i have in the same time, so what we are eating must be mostly ok, its not helping the way i'm feeling though!
yes post your menus see where and if you are going wrong x
Marty, I don't know why, but it's always been my belief that men lose easier on this diet.
Hi Marty

Don't get discouraged hun, Jim and Vicky and the others are on the case now and will sort it out for you!

I have found that (like Jim) cream of any sort and cheese stalls me big time - so switched to using mayo and oil for dressings, etc, and that has helped.

I don't drink any fizzy drinks at all and limit my tea/coffee to 2 a day (in the morning, the only thing that gets me out of bed :eek:).

I've also cut way back on Mims - one or two a week max now.

Hope that helps. You can do it!:D

thanks for your encouragement!
i don't do fizzy drinks, never have, have also cut down a bit on the mims, think cheese is ok for me, because when i was losing, i was eating more than i am now. i do check everything very carefully.
Big hug hun - it's awful when you hit a plateau on any diet. You're so active it can't be lack of exercise, could it just be too much of the right stuff? My portion sizes have really crept up since I started (especially veg) and that's why I'm basically maintaining now.

Things will go the right way if you keep the faith though. You know it. :)
feeling all warm and snuggly inside now after that lurvlely hug!

i think i have kind of sussed it out. i think it is more due to my earratic work 'pattern' than my actual eating habits, although i dare say there are places i could refine if i try harder.
today, after 2 days off, i weighed in earlier, and scales said 111.4, now, that is better than the 113,5 they had stubbornly been insisting at the weekend. friday is my official weigh in day, can't wait now!
Yeah well done Marty :D I am sure your working patterns do upset you're body's balance etc though there's nothing you can do but you're body will catch up - fab news!
I'm down a 1lb so still in the right direction and almost almost into the 60 something kilos!! :)
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Well done Marty and Lesley. :)
oh well done both x i lost 2 lbs exactly taking me to my goal for now :D now to maintain - and i need shouting at if i go off track x
was great lol. oh i feel guilty for not going to work couldnt get through to anyone in the office so text my boss (didnt want to ring in case he was driving) and he hasnt replied. oh well ive done what i can i suppose but the weather is just getting worse here.
Don't feel guilty love no point risking life and limb for work in my opinion. I hate driving in these conditions and am probably one of those people who really frustrate other drivers so I stay off the road!
Any plans for today other than a duvet day oh and celebrating?