Weekly weigh-in thread

Well done you losers. I'm impressed!
I am so thrilled as today I have hit 4 stones gone forever!!!! It's not officially a weigh in day, but what the hell. I am now the lightest I have been for YEARS!

4 stones down, 2 and a bit to go.
4 stone Sarah, that's fantastic love, I'm so pleased for you.
Well done Sarah xx
Ah thanks everyone. I am thrilled. And even better is that I bought a pair of size 14 jeans today and I can get them on! I couldn't possibly wear them yet as they are way too tight, but give it 4 weeks and I plan to be in them. :D
LOL, that's a nice feeling isn't it Sarah.
Not on atkins anymore but thought Id tell you all Ive lost 7.5lbs this week wooooooooooooooooooooo
I am so thrilled as today I have hit 4 stones gone forever!!!! It's not officially a weigh in day, but what the hell. I am now the lightest I have been for YEARS!

4 stones down, 2 and a bit to go.


OMG hunni. thats cracking news!!!


Woofy X

OMG hunni. thats cracking news!!!


Woofy X

Thanks Woofy. Where you bin????? We have all been missing you. Hope you have been having fun with the family.

Well done Jenny. More than 1/2 a stone in one week is fab!!!
Hi Woofs,

Nice one jenny, you're off to a cracking start there.
Hi hunni`s...

Well , I lost my pass word thats why I havent been about plus it being Easter Hols and the Kids under my toes....

ANYHOOOOO here I am : o )

Missed you all!! It was horrible not being able to post!!

Havent weighed due to.......
Woke up the other morning feeling well slim, and I mean slim, sexy and feeeeling gooood. I couldnt wait to jump on the scales and see how much I had lost...
Stripped off, jumped on ( bare with me lol) and there it was!!!!



How can this bloody well be as I feel slim, sexy blah blah GGrrr

So, in 0.28 seconds I had gone from feeling like a sex god to a fat lump!!
So, I dont weigh know more and just go with the way Im feeling....This is much better for me.....

Im off to read up on what you have all been up to as now the sun has go in. What a fab day !!

Woofy X
feeling good is what counts woofy, feeling good = looking good.
Im feeling gooooood!!


Thought I would rub it all over every1 : o )

Sharing Woofy x
:D, thanks woofy, I feel much better for that. LOL
My aim isnt that good, so I very sorry If Ive placed me ickle rub anywhere XXX


Woofy X