Weekly weigh-in thread

Helllllooooooo im here you can relax now and im monday weigher!!:p
Jeez, the whole room heard that one.

and I see Jar has had a sex change op. ;)
lol Jim! :D

Nope, Claire changed her avatar to an obsession-strawberries, so did I - David Tennant! :drool:
David Who?

sorry couldn't resist that one.
Har de har har!
Blimey! I thought it was some pale & interesting long dead poet!! I kid you not!!
In a hoody Wrink? ;)
It looks like a scarf - a rather feminine one... :giggle: says she dodging for cover...
Dodge for cover! So you should! He's scrummy! If I wasn't low carbing I'd cover him in chocolate....
What a way to break induction!:eek::D
My turn, my turn, I know, it's weird, a Sunday WI! Wish I could put in yesterdays figure cos it was another pound down. But, I've lost 2lb this week which is 9lb in 3 weeks - I'm happy with that and I know it's my own fault I've not lost more - I've not been drinking enough or eating my veggie carbs and have skipped the occasional meal. Been feeling a bit sick so haven't felt like eating. Plus I need to shop for more veggies - even if it's frozen cabbage!
That is a marvelous weight loss!! :happy096:

I hope you're soon feeling OK again Jar.
Thanks Wrinkly. Only 2lb til my next mini goal and 5lb to the stone - it's coming off which is good and if it's slow it's easier to keep off, I think.
Well done Jar - 2lb is a great loss and nice and achievable to keep off like you say! If Jim were here n i'm sure he'll agree tmoz, it's a good steady amount to be losing.. Congrats to ya hun n pat on the back :)
Congrats Jar!

Weighed in this morning, I am another 2lb down! :D:D:D

And my hips are finally below 38in!! Woohoo!
Morning all,

Jar, well done sweetheart, that's a good loss darling. Good Girl!! :)

Hooya!! I'm so pleased for you, that is a good loss and great on those lost inches darling. :bliss: :bliss:
Thanks Jim - I am well chuffed! It is cold and rainy here in London, but I feel like the sun's shining!!

Good luck to all with your weigh-ins x